Candace Flynn

Quote: “There’s squirrels in my pants!”
Entrance: She walk in with a microphone ready to sing
Win Animation: She hugs Ducky Momo
Lose Animation: She sprays herself with a garden hose
White Skill: SQUIRRELS!
Candace does a weird dance damaging all enemies and when she is done dancing squirrels escape her pants running into all enemies and dealing x amount of damage per squirrel.
Green Skill: Wild Parsnips
Candace smells wild parsnips making her have a deeper voice and sings EVIL BOYS scaring enemies for x amount of seconds.
Blue Skill: Jeremy Love
Candace looks at a picture of Jeremy charming the front most enemy.
Purple Skill: Little Brothers
Candace remembers her little brothers and the song Stacy sings to her and gives allies increased basic damage and skill power.
Red Skill: The Love of Brothers
“Little Brothers” also increases allies’ armor and reality and gives stacks of hardy.
Adding stacks of hardy has a chance to fail above level x
Increase to damage per squirrel
+x amount of HP
+x amount of Skill Power

Merlin: Squirrel Squabble
Level Based:
+x amount of Skill Power
+x amount of damage to “SQUIRRELS!”
Star Based: “SQUIRRELS!” Now adds 2 extra squirrels. +2 squirrels per star

Minnie Mouse: Weed Control
Level Based:
+x amount of Skill Power
“Wild Parsnips” now gives allies one stack of EVIL. EVIL allows allies to revive one time per battle.
Star Based: Every time Candace uses “Wild Parsnips” she gains one stack of hardy. +1 stack of hardy per star


Red skills have 3 additional boosts

I don’t think she will actually sing that song if she was in the game.

Purple skills don’t have a new animation.

But the rest are good, just need improvements :+1:


Where’s the enter?

Added the entrance… thanks

Well the singing is not actually gonna happen but it is like she will make some sorta singing noise that resembles it in a way sorta like Rapunzel singing to heal allies. Also purple skill can have a separate animation because if you look at Randall, King Louie and Aladdin for examples theirs is separate. And the third additional boost is the increase to the damage per squirrel.

Here is my feedback:

As a positive note I will say it is creative and pretty good. I have a few things for you to think about.

There are a lot better quotes than this one that capture her character better. For example- “You guys are so busted.”

This is pretty good and really funny. For the future I would say what type of damage this deals. Seems like it would do fantastic.

Seconds should always be specified. Other than that, the skill is just a little weird, but it is still fine. Needs the type of damage since it is a scare. I think scares always do fantastic damage.

How long does the charm last?

This skill does something completely new, which is not allowed. Purple and red skills never do a new animation. Instead, they buff a skill with an animation.

Same thing as above. Red skills do not normally buff the purple ones.

This title just does not feel appropriate.

Friendship disks do not introduce new status effects. If the original skill had the evil status effect, it would be fine though.

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“Not allowed” is a big word purple could have a new animations and red skill buffing Purple skill… can happend. It has not happend yet but if does not mean that it’s impossible.

I was basing it off of the status quo in the game and the majority of heroes that exist. It just does not seem like something PB would do yet.

Future is unknown. It might surprise u

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