Challenger Seasons Going Global!

Not exciting are also rules which are only for whales.
Works both way.

Anda boleh menambah lencana dari kedudukan 10 teratas sahaja :shield:

what about persistent timers? Would both Coliseum and Arena get them enabled? even if only one of them has Challengers Seasons enabled?

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Is there a timer in platinum 1 now like the info says or is it false


Challenger seasons are live!

Servers 20-22 only have challenger season in Coliseum. They didn’t have enough people in Arena to start this season, but keep pushing into arena challenger, and when you reach 200 people, you’ll be able to start with season 3!


I have doubts about people wanting the arena/coliseum seasons as a replacement of the previous version. What’s fun? Hitting the highest person in arena with a unique composition. This needs to be a completely separate section in our options.


Would be nice if it was in addition. Not replacing but we shall see it’s early. Maybe it’ll be okay.

I do have one question. In challenger for arena you get keys and 3 attacks per person you unlock with that key. After you use your 3 attacks up on a person, you have “ (9) extra attacks “ that you can use. Are these daily or weekly? I have my assumption but can’t find this detail anywhere.

Also vip gave us extra arena and Coli attacks but is that going to get changed since it didn’t translate over to new challenger seasons? Will it be updated?



I have to say, I’ve been enjoying this version of coliseum and arena much more than the previous.


The extra attacks are daily. Use 'em up! :slight_smile:


Ok my opinion is this challenger season is junk. All it did is prevent folks who were able to make it to 1st place daily from getting an extra 800 diamonds and tokens daily to getting much less.

Also this has devalued VIP level 11 as you no longer can use 10 attacks in a row.


What’s stopping people from putting out easy defences to stop your opponents getting no bonus points like normal damage and knock backs which are the bonuses for this week ?

There has to be a disadvantage to lowering your defence otherwise if everybody did this we would all end up with just a 1000 points for the victory

Because those rules are only for whales, and other players which also want to take ‘‘advantage’’ of new PVP want to promote and get more diamonds, 200 diamonds is stupid amount.
It’s called strategy, more or less fair.

You are aware there are some non-whales participating in the new Challenger format, right?

Some people got 2 coli keys to start the day and others for just one. How is this in any way a fair shake ?

The others have less opponents in league.
You receive over week equal amount of keys as rivals in your league.

Why are different rooms/groups behaving different ? That just seems to create confusion ?

People who were able to make it to #1 daily stand a pretty good chance of advancing far in the season, if they participate. The rewards in the top 3 leagues more than make up for the deficit in the bottom league, for people who make it.

This new format is not fun.

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Make no fun
So many Player leave at the moment the game.

I was wondering if you are aware of how are your constant hero level and badge increases not to mention the changes in arena and Coliseum that most are not found off and also adding in the only players who win are payed players has ruined this game for alot of good people and how alot more are going to leave due to said changes? Basically in my opinion you are killing this game and taking the fun out.

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