Character Concept #1: Jafar

Stars Character: 2

Notes For Character: The Evil Magic Jafar, Using For Unlimited Cosmos And Destroying Enemies In Peace

Team Character: Blue

Quote: “The Universe Is Mine To Command, To Control”


White Skill: “A Snake Am I”
Jafar Turns Into a Huge Snake And Bite Off Enemies And Make Heros Healthy. 6 Seconds

Green Skill: Quabrite Desprite Nacales
Jafar Useing His Snake Staff to Freeze, Stunned, And Strike Downs Enemies For 5 Seconds

Blue Skill: Powerful Sorcerer
When Jafar Useing Fire. And Turns Enemies Into Something for 7 Seconds

Purple Skill: An All Powerful Genie
Jafar Transforms Into A Genie To Pick Up Huge Rock To Smash Enemies, Eyes Laser, And Using Staff Like “Quabrite Desprite Nacales” For 6 Seconds

Friendship Modes:

Jafar/Mal: Get The Staff Back
Others: Gaston. Mad Hatter. Chef Bogo

Jafar/Genie: Good And Evil Genies
Other: Ursula. Mr Incredible. Elsa

Animation: Jafar Appears For Fire Frams And Ready For Fight.

When Jafar Was Defeated. He Knees And Bow To Give Up Himself

When Jafar Was Victory. He Laughed And Disappeared.

Firstly, @RockzAreCool welcome to Forums!!! Hope to see you hear often and not just to complain(not that this is complaining :wink: )

Second off, while this concept is rather interesting, I believe it is a little OP. It is also a little difficult to understand.



Good concept @RockzAreCool. Welcome 2 the forums.

Also, I have 2 agree with @Champion_David. It was kind of hard 2 read.

But great concept though. :+1:

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Thanks Guys. Soon it make an next Update of that character alongside with beast Belle And Lumiere I Was Wondering

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