Character idea: Oswald the lucky rabbit

I’ve been thinking about Oswald for about an hour (i think) and from my thoughts i think i know a move set that catches the Oswald feeling
(The skills were seen in the video game Epic Mickey 1 / 2 )
Role: Tank
Basic attack: takes off an arm and throws it like a boomerang
Friendships: Mickey, (any other suggestions)
About: The cartoon before Mickey returns to protect his weakened front row allies by taking their spot in defending the team
White skill: T̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶i̶f̶l̶e̶ (jk)
White skill: (for real) Fire works, Oswald throws out fire works and detonates them with a remote causing the enemies around the explosion to get stunned
Green skill: lucky rabbit, has a chance to ignore debuffs and turn them into a small heal
Blue skill: Big of heart, when a front row hero’s health goes below 25% Oswald flies over to them and escorts him/her/it to the back row and Oswald then stays in the front row for the rest of the wave
Purple skill: Leader of Mean street, whenever Oswald moves into the front lane Oswald gains # more defense for the rest of the wave!

I guess the flaws is that Oswald doesn’t acts like a tank until the player gets blue promoting materials but i think Oswald should be unlocked fast enough to got those materials

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