Character Idea: Phineas & Ferb!

I have no intro,so I’m just going start.
Phineas and Ferb would be a duo character,and duo characters are pretty rare. So I hope this interests you guys.
First of all,Phineas.
Phineas would be the leader of the duo. His auto attack would be him using his Baseball Launcher from “Phineas & Ferb:Across the 2nd Dimension.” But,it would need to charge up to deal more damage. The longer the charge,the harder it hits the enemy.But,since you can’t control your characters,it does random amounts of damage each time he fires,But the CATCH is,if he charges it for too long,the Baseball Launcher will get jammed,and Phineas will have to repair it for 3 seconds. That puts him at a huge disadvantage.

And this is where Ferb will come into play.
Ferb is the support character of the duo. Ferb will protect Phineas when his Baseball Launcher is jammed by using a shield from the Roman & Greek Episode.
The shield can take 1000+ Damage (Can take more when duo is upgraded).
When Phineas is finished repairing,the shield will disappear,and he’ll be ready to fight.

Special Moves/Abilities:
The Coolest Coaster Ever!
Phineas and Ferb hop onto the Coolest Coaster Ever,and deal lots of damage.
The Beak:
Phineas & Ferb jump into their mech suit,The Beak,and dash through their enemies,like Violet’s Shield Roll.
Mom’s Race Car:
Ferb remote controls Mom’s Car from the episode The Fast and The Phineas and deal a good amount of damage

They’re line will be:
“Hey Ferb,I know what we’re gonna do today!”
K.o Animation:
Phineas & Ferb getting busted by Candice.
Win animation:The duo high fiving eachother.

And that’s all I’ve got for Phineas & Ferb.
Okay now,Bye Bye! :smiley:


Not bad (i have not seen Phineas and Ferb)

Also welcome to the forums


Thanks for making me feel welcome! :smiley:

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Not bad for a beginner and also welcome to the forums!:smile:


Thank you!

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I like the idea of them, because that was a fun show. One change would be the cannon not jamming, because that would put them doing nothing, plus if they keep getting energy from people like Mickey. Then it will keep going. Overall great idea.

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great idea!

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