Character Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts is a 2 :star2: hero that is a control
White Skill: off with the head: Card guard .come in the battlefield for 5 seconds charming the highest HP enemy for 5 seconds while if one of your Friend s are defeated she will revive him/her with 20% HP
Green Skill Queen Blessing: heals all allys with 45% HP and if full shielding them if full HP
Blue Skill Cardskaps: Cards come in battle depending on which card is what it does if Spade it does 526 damage if Hearts it does Charmed effect for 6 seconds of It Clubs it does Scared damage if Diamonds it does 1736 damage with only 33% percent on Clubs,Hearts and Spade but diamonds only has 1% chance
Purple skill: Queen Backup: Now her White Skill dose 20% more Healing or Shild NOTE Only 0.01 percent goes up every upgrade
Friends Alice at 67 and Scar at 99

HINT FOR NEXT CHARACTER I’m t#%$- and gonna to take over ste $–7+#-+

This concept is a bit hard for me to follow. Also I think it is too OP.


Yep Champion David you are correct but I’m a good way

I think i know to which charther you refered to bill chiper the main vilian in gravity falls

Neatibe batman. It’s not him

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