Character study (episode 2)

Hi everyone! Monarch Momo here. And today, I am part of the Character study. This is created by @The-captain-gingerbread,who came up with that. Credit him. Anyway, the next character I’ll be doing is the official first prince who comes from Agrabah, and use his sword to slice enemies. Please welcome Aladdin!

Info: Aladdin is prince who made his appearance in the 1.3 update along with the other 4. He is from a movie, Aladdin. He also used to be a street rat back then.


Good damage

Good power

Very high hp

Good Armor

Good reality


Armor Negation


Doesn’t deal any Fantastic damage

Basic overview: Usually, Aladdin is not that bad when I use him. He’s not my main team, but in blue team he is. Aladdin can slice his sword to enemies, dealing damage. He’s a great character, especially if you use him in friendship if he’s available.

Skill review


Saber Slash

Aladdin attacks enemies with his scimitar 3 times, dealing damage with each swing.

My thought of this skill: it’s not a bad skill to me, especially in battle. When activate, he be able to defeat them sometime instantly.


Energy Steal

Aladdin dodges a melee attack and counters his attacker, dealing damage plus stealing energy from his attacker. Aladdin can only counter once every few seconds.

My thought of this skill: He has a chance to dodge? I didn’t even see that coming. He might have 20% chance to dodge. I’m not sure. After all, it’s kinda an okayish skill.


One Jump Ahead

Aladdin has a chance to dodge any attacks from enemies. This chance is reduced against enemies whose level is greater than this skill’s level.

My thought of this skill: Not bad except if he’s a lower level than the opponent, which it’s higher. It’s probably like 50% chance to get dodge. I’m not actually sure about it. I never see it. After all, it’s okay.


Magic Carpet Ride

Aladdin rides the magic Carpet over his enemies at the start of combat and jumps down into them, swinging his scimitar 3 times and dealing damage with each swing.

My thought of this skill: Amazing! I like it if he enters like this. Without his purple skill, he usually just walk to battle, which is kinda weird to me.

Friendship disk


When you wish

Health regeneration once per fight

My thought of this disk: Not bad for Aladdin. However the invincibility one is good. Lasting about x seconds when he reach to 40% of its health.


Need more speed

Saber slash increases attack speed

My thought about this disk: Not a bad disk if you ask me. I don’t have it unlock yet,but someday I will. Anyway,I love the fact that Saber slash gives him increased attack speed.

Overall: Not a bad character if you ask me,even though I don’t use him. He’s a very good character,and the saber slash is good.

Can you guess the next character?: She wears a blue dress with a some sort of white apron,she also likes books with picture on it. Can you guess who she is?

Its alice from alice in the wonderland

This seems like a rip off of @Aurora_Veil’s guide

Who are “the other 4?” (I know, but be specific)

Also no need to say “Guess who’s next?” Since you guys are doing it alphabetically

M. Carpet has feelings you know

This is such a downgrade

One last thing before I go, how do you guys plan on doing BETA characters (excluding Finnick)?

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I’m sorry. I took my time on this it took me one day to finish it

Go look in @The-captain-gingerbread’s study

I just did

Look, I’m sorry. But the other four are Genie,Hiro, Baymax, and Moana

See the study would be better if it was more organized, more thorough, and less “spam-my”. If you guys are doing this daily it could possibly be considered as spam.

Yeah I guess you’re right. Sorry pal

The only similarity whatsoever is they’re both guides about heroes. Are you serious?

I fail to see how forgetting to capitalize the M is worth pointing out.

No fantastic damage means he’ll have a hard time against Brutes and high-Reality heroes.

I don’t see why this is worth asking them? They’re normal heroes, just like all the others, even if they are a little weak in comparison.

He’s just extremely picky, don’t be sorry about anything. It isn’t spam, the organization is fine, keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

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Thanks pal. You’re one of the nicest people

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Skill images…

But it isn’t really worth mentioning

It isn’t that. @Monarch_Mummy_V said “the magic carpet,” but Magic Carpet isn’t necessarily a “thing,” but a magical being with feelings.

Guide? This “guide” doesn’t really thoroughly review heroes.

You’re contradicting yourself there.

The “the” is fine. “The magic carpet” is a title, like “The Sultan” or “The Prince of Agrabah”.

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See the thing wrong with the organization, is not literally the organization (should have clarified that, my bad) but how it looks. Too many blank lines. There should be some detail in the guide. Like separate the major parts from the little parts. Like skill names from their descriptions, or the description of the disks different from the effects.

Search “Magic Carpet” with the “the” and without it

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