Chef Louis (The Little Mermaid) Hero Concept

Chef Louis (The Little Mermaid) is a Midline Damage Hero
Quote: “Les poissons, les poissons. How I love les poissons”
Victory: Chef Louis Dance
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Defeat: Chef Louis lose his teeth and falls.
White Skill: “Pound The Fish” Chef Louis turns in berserker mode and jumps to the enemy backline dealing x damage and stunning the chosen enemy for ten seconds
*Stunning can fail with toons above x Lvl.
Green Skill: “The Classic Technique” When an enemy get invisible buff Chef Louis pours flour on it and this one get visible again for five seconds.
Blue Skill: “Slash Smash” Chef Louis throw 7 knives dealing x damage every knive
Purple: “Love To Chop” Chef Louis use his axe dealing x fantastic damage. After the attack the enemy get a bleeding debuff and lose x life during 8 seconds.
Red Skill: “Perfect Recipe” Chef Louis deals sixty percent more damage to stunned enemies.
“Pound the fish” now stuns nearer enemies + Stats Increased

Friend Discs:
Anger: “Slash Smash” get a burning buff dealing x damage during x seconds + Stats Increased
Chef Skinner: When Chef Louis Stuns an enemy get 100 energy points + Stats Increased

Hope You like my concept hero! You can check my other concepts here! :point_down:
Spring Sprite

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