Xanatos (Gargoyles) Hero Concept

Xanatos is a Front Line DPS. He joins the battle landing from the sky
Quote: “The richer you are, the more enemies you have, and I am very rich.”

Bussinesman: Xanatos summon a robot gargoyle to fight with him on the floor with x HP and deals X damage. When the robot gargoyle falls explode to hurt enemies and the nearest ones get stunned. He cant use this skill again until the robot falls
Flying Mode: When theres a gargoyle robot in the battle Xanatos fly back and attacK in the distance with his arm lasers. Xanatos land when the robot gargoyle is defeated. While he is flying he dodge basic attacks but he can be charmed, poisoned… Or hurted by white skills damage
Fierce Claws: When He is on land Xanatos attack the closest enemy and this loose vitality for x seconds
This can fail depend of the opponent lvl
High Tech: Xanatos use his weapon to attack an enemy dealing x real damage and this one get blinded buff. This skill can be used in flying and floor mode
Steel Clan: Xanatos can use bussinesman a second and third time to summon two extra robots. + incresed stats.


Scrooge McDuck: Basic Damage + When a gargoyle robot is defetead Xanatos gain energy points

Goliath: HP + When Xanatos land he get a shield of 25% of his current HP

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