Chloe & Papi (Likely) Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Chloe & Papi (Beverly Hills Chihuahua)

Description: Chloe & Papi the famous Beverly Hills canine couple together with his 5 chihuahua warriors are here to show off their talents on stage

Quote:No mas, Chihuahuas are not toys or fashion accesories, No mas…

Trial Teams:Red


Position: Middle



Entrance:Chloe & Papi enter first accompanied by their 5 chihuahua warriors

Victory: Chloe, Papi and his puppies get happy and jump of happiness

Defeat:Chloe & Papi get sad and their children are going to cheer them up


:white_circle:White Skill:Barks and more barks

Passive: Papi Read stories to his puppies about Chihuahua warriors causing both he and his allies to become stronger

Active:Papi He will bark along with his pups towards the nearest enemies which will scare them by accumulating 1 stack of fright and take away all their current advantages

Animation:Papi bark with his puppies too strong

:green_circle:Green Skill:Piano skills
Chloe will leave her puppies with Papi while she will play the piano which will make her allies recover X life but If there are no allies, Chloe will play for 10 seconds giving her and Papi a shield

Animation: Papi will be with her puppies as they support Chloe on the piano

:large_blue_circle:Blue Skill:Chihuahua Warrior
Papi Jr will escape from his parents to attack to the enemy with the least HP in the stage, If Papi Jr Bite an enemy that has a shield will only destroy the shield it has activated and then escape from that enemy by running quickly to its parents.

:purple_circle:Purple Skill:Fashion pose and mischief
Chloe will do a fashion pose that will draw attention to all enemies but the pose will cause her and her allies to recover HP by X% when enemies focus on her Papi It will run towards the enemies to wrap them in paper and at least 1/2 will fall to the ground causing X damage
Animation:Chloe make a fashion pose and Papi run to the enemy

:red_circle:Red Skill:We are powerful
Now Chloe & Papi will get a shield after using “Barks and more barks” The shield will last 7.5 seconds in front of them When their shield ends they will improve their stats but it will reset in the next stage
+X life in relation to Chloe
+X Fantastic Damage
+X “Chihuahua Warriors” damage


Disk Name: Dogtastic spiritual

Disk Effect: After Barks and more Barks Chloe & Papi will become invisible
+X Life
+X Papi Jr damage
+X Fright stacks towards the enemy


Disk Name:Amazing dogs

Disk Effect:All time Chloe & Papi use passive attack will regain life
+X Chloe Damage
+X Life from Papi
+X Shield Time

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