Choo-Choo! (Thomas hero concept)

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Thomas is a Front-line,:star2: :star2:,Control hero that will be available in the event exclusives in servers

Team: Blue
Quotes: “Hi,I’m Thomas,I’m the number one Tank Engine,altrhough Gordon says I’m a silly small Tank engine”
Basic attack: Thomas bumps the enemies dealing damage to them
Entrance: Thomas Drives in
Defeat: Thomas whistle failed to whistle
Victory: Thomas whistles to make some noise


White: Steamworks up (Normal damage👊)
Thomas blasts a giant beam with a blaster and drops train parts from the sky deals damage each part and stunning them for seconds

Green: To Get back on track
Thomas use a stick to bounce to the enemies to deals X damage to them
Enemies also gains stack of “Tracky”. Each “Tracky” will decrease enemies’ speed.

Blue: Crakling Pistons (Fantastic damage✨)
In the beginning of each wave Thomas trys to perform a big stunt but accidently crash himself to deals heavy damage to enemies! Note that Thomas will heal himself after doing this.

Purple: A very useful engine (True damage💪)
“To Get back on track” and “Crackling Pistons” will also deals true damage to enemies. For “Steamworks up”,enemies will also get charmed by Thomas for seconds.

Red: Choo-Choo
Thomas’ basic attack will also slow down enemies’ speed


Thomas/Duke Caboom
Disk: Thomas’ “Crakling Pistons” will also heals himself for more Y hp

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