Choose the Hero Refresh for 2.7.10!

How are there 1,000 voters?! I didn’t even know there were more than 50 people on the forums!

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Probably people that are not on the forums often, but came just to vote lol.

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But like, a THOUSAND?! I can’t even name 50 people on here!

Maybe, here me out @Myeong some forumers told their guild about the vote, and the news spread through the game

What I meant is there are many inactive accounts, but they went onto the forums just to vote.


That’s true. I didn’t think about that.

Right and also, every person that joins the game can access the forums. This game has thousands of players, ergo, thousands of people that can use the forums, even if they don’t.

Everyone wants a Kim refresh so the turtles have crawled out of their shells to vote for her. So to speak, lol.

Me too I need her refreshed

Everyone, tell your guilds to vote in this if you want them to help you get the refresh that you/they want

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In the announcements page says that you can decide the next refresh.

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So far, about 30% of the votes are for Kim, so it might be a stretch to say everyone wants her refreshed. Personally, I think Anger needs it the most out of these choices, but both Kim and Basil have issues that a judicious refresh could resolve, so I wouldn’t be upset if either of them win.

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Sorry, I did not see that

A KP refresh… just in time for a Drakken release? Maybe?

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I would like that

Well, even if people didn’t vote for Kim, that doesn’t mean they don’t want her to be refreshed, they just thought the other options needed it more. But your point is true.

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What a situation…As much as I want Oogie refreshed, three of five characters need it more. I guess I’m out for this vote, but hey, more refreshes are welcome :sweat_smile:

Also, that’s honestly sooner than I expected for the next Hero Refresh. Obviously I’m happy, but I’m a little surprised as well.

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IMHO the majority of the heroes pre-level 150 are woefully outdated. In fact, when choosing an opponent in Arena or Coli I seek out the ones with the older heroes. Easy win 99% of the time. :grin: I gotta go with Anger on this one.


Also, thanks for including us on this decision.

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