Choose the Hero Refresh for 2.7.10!

I would rather have 2 refreshes than 1 refresh and one hero

Kim deals 80% less damage than Basil if possible.

Both have no negation and evasion. Basil have more damage-in and HP.

Sadness disgust fear and joy are on line 1 saying please please please vote for our dear anger so we can become a solid team for a change he is so left out and behind his friends. Let’s make him great again all


I hope Basil can also be refreshed for Anniversary Update(or sooner)! :grin:


They must have them ready to go it’s not like the update is far away less than a month ?

i would save anger or belle really they need it thanks for listening:) the next should be for gizmo duck!![dialogue_gizmo_duck

Or better yet, beta heroes.

I’m REALLY excited that Kim is most likely getting the refresh. She’ll (hopefully) be Kimpossible to stop.

She is terrible, there are a few threads explaining in details why.

That’s just rude.
And the community needs to point out what they want.


Or she will be r onstoppable

Yeah, this joke did not work


Belle has her uses in hardy teams. Phaldow has even proved Belle’s greatness up here:

I’d like you to prove how good Kim is. Arguing how her Joy disk is great won’t be enough.


Why must you hurt Imagineer this way

Imagineer votes for Kim to support friends of the forums even though Imagineer no longer plays the game and wants Belle to be refreshed even if she does not need it because Belle is Imagineer’s favorite. Basil better be next so that Imagineer can also support forum friends for that too.


Well, I couldn’t decide at all but made my choice and seem that I haven’t got Kim on mine and everyone else wants Kim to refresh and I am going on this and going with Kim and if it is wrong and don’t blame me and I could not decide at all so gone with her with the instinct with her, lol.

I forgot about that, :neutral_face:
I will counter that with a #revive imagineer

It’s all jokes. Do not worry about it. lol

Thanks for the support @Imagineer_V
Really appreciated :blush:

Also, we will revive you!! (When you continue the story :joy: )


Thanks for the update and Listening @Polaris

Yes, thank you @Polaris and while an era of Kim memes will end, a new era of Kim being good will begin


If we still had a meme center for all…

1000 votes…

All of my heroes looking down at Kim saying
“You are a sad, strange little hero. And you have my sympathy”
Lol, if the quote sounds familiar, it is from TS

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