Choose the next hero refresh - 1.17.10

Blue team needs a good healer. Definitely Genie.

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I feel that it Buzz gets a refresh he could be a very damage hero! So I voted for him!

Everyone listed needs a refresh. But more so than anyone, GENIE is in need of it DESPERATELY. Give him a Red Skill while you’re at it, PB.


It won’t make him viable. There are better healers right now. No one will use him when we have: Joy, Linguini, Rapunzel, Rafiki, TP etc

Again, without refresh nothing will change.
Also yes, red skill for Genie too.

And refreshes are making heroes useable
 for some time.
Plus, newer servers have issues with healer on blue invasion, not sure if they got Duke’s Woody disk yet. ^ New heroes never come to newer servers.


No spoilers please


are People forgetting about Woody and Duke? Both of which are healers. Blue team is vastly OP that doesn’t require a strict designated healer like red and yellow.

Modify his kit and giving him a red skill would far greatly benefit him than a refresh. (And yes, I realize not everyone can unlock red skills in newer servers)

But are not good enough. Also, Duke needs his Woody disk, which is a pain in the
 toe to obtain in older servers


And Woody isn’t even good to heal allies. Way
 not enough.
 using him and pulling Boss to allies won’t be super good.


Invasion wise, yeah it’s enough. But, again, a healer for blue invasion isn’t necessary. Him pulling mama not isn’t an issue if you realize Bo is used to push back the bot in the opposite direction.

All in all, vote how you want, it won’t do anything for him in the long run. :man_shrugging:t3:

Genie and Buzz are so close in the poll. Hey, PB
 wanna do us a solid and, y’know, do a multi-refresh again


Where is Woody anyway, @Aurora_Veil?

Come on @Polaris, hook us up with the top 3 for this one. I would love to have buzz, genie and eve be viable again. Buzz and genie are iconic to Disney and eve is just my of my sleeper favorite characters


Oops! I totally meant GENIE!!! Silly Disney instinct of just writing “Woody and Buzz” automatically. Anyways I corrected that silly mistake hahahahaha


Everyone makes mistakes

This would be most peace-full thing which could PB make in 1.17.10, everyone will be happy :blush:

But if only one
 then only Genie :hocho:


Please Genie! We really need a healer in the blue team for invasion

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There is gonna be a new blue hero that might be coming in the next update

What is a hero refresh?

Welcome to the forums @Rex_is_DA_best.

Heroes that get a slight overall stats/power increase over their performance or even small changes to their skills.
This is due mostly to old heroes. They aren’t as reliable as they were since newer ones are stronger and more robust and this refresh is in order for them to become great once more.

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