City Watch Contests Unfair!

I’ve had it up to here with this! We’re having ANOTHER City Watch contest, and I’ve already used up my City Watch and Creep Surge chances for the day! AGAIN! Something needs to change! We either need notifications that these kinds of contests will be starting soon, or be given extra daily City Watch and Creep Surge chances if we’ve already used them up.

Edit: It has come to my attention that we ARE infact notified of all contests the day before they begin, and that I should know by now that they always happen on Friday. I am an idiot.


I switched guilds just before the contest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lol, what are you talking about? They give you About 12-15 hour notice just like everyone else.

Most half smart people save up their city watch u til they find out what the contest is on Thursday. Just do that. The current way they notify people is completely fine.


You have ALL weekend. Theres no reason you shouldn’t hit the top progress marker if you use the right heros and hire your guilds mercs

Servers get an 18 hour notice typically about the next contest. If you used up your CW before it started then that is your own fault. If you are talking about using the CW the day before it still doesn’t hurt you too much. Can still easily get maxed progress before it ends. Chill out and stop blaming PB for user error.


always have max city watch runs rolling over day to day for just this, and always check the news when it gets a notification blip.

Yeah, this is all on you. Everyone is notified the day before the contest, and by now there’s no way you don’t know that contests start on early morning friday. It’s entirely your fault for doing surge and cw before the contest started.

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Replying once again to bring awareness to your edit in the OP. You aren’t an idiot, just someone who made a mistake. Appreciate the edit to show you realize your error. Don’t take it personally as an attack towards your intelligence. Just next time: take a deep breath and think things through before making a post here. It’s all good man, don’t sweat it.

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Yeah I used to do the same mistakes as you OP. Now the most of the time I’m preparing for all contest. If you do the same, there will no troubles coming to you. Here is my list:

  • always store max citywatch tryouts. For me its two. So each day I start always with a blank citywatch and two additional tryouts.
  • stack up your unused friendships missions
  • don’t attack infected chapter unless you want to get specific badges

I also set an alarm on thursday to remind me to look at the billboard what contest is about to come. This kind of preparations are easy doable to all of you :wink:

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