City watch team compositions

Can we get away from using others arena teams as the base for city watch stages? Some arena teams are absolutely broken, and dealing with super powered versions of them in stages 4/5 can be impossible for many users. City watch is supposed to be one of the ways users are supposed to earn gold after the gold/xp nerf, but if the game is going to block you from making money in this areas, a lot of users are going to be leaving the game.
I get that it’s supposed to get more difficult as you power up, but adding power to over powered enemies isn’t the answer. City watch team comps should not reflect the top arena squads. Those squads are built with the highest tiered heroes and designed to be very difficult to beat, even at max level. Losing all your heroes to a level 120+ Olaf/Elsa/Moana/Scar/Mickey squad is just stupid.

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They use your top five teams total power as a basis for city watch.

I understand that, what I’m saying is that they shouldn’t use the top arena teams as compositions. Those squads are already over powered, then you add the ramped up power of the 4/5 stages. It’s causing setups that cannot be beat, making players frustrated.

Actually I disagree. You have several advantages over them.

Firstly you can invest in Nick and his Lemmings.

Secondly, you can start each round of city watch by activating white skills if you want and if you are careful.

Sulley, Bay, Mickey, Woody, Nick… job done.

That said I do think CW should pull from coli rather than arena. Was a LONG TIME request in DS that never happened.

I use sully, woody, mike, nick, calhoun. Sully with the woody disk, woody with the jessie disk, mike with a sully disk, nick with either doesn’t matter to me much, and calhoun with violet disk.

Nick is used EVERY FIGHT, this makes sure his lemmings get to 5 and he is in every fight so he gains from his purple ability.

Woody can be often used so that mike’s scare goes off faster. If the scare does not let me win then I ill pop sullys scare for a faster use on nick and so it gets everyone.

If needed mikes burp will knock out shields so nick can knock them out.

Calhoun is just there for eye candy.

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