Citywatch bugged or is per blue doing this?

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That’s not a bug. As you go through the fights the enemies gradually get stronger. To do this their level and skill levels go beyond the level cap. It’s annoying but not a bug.

But it says level 73 & all R9 with a disk level of 188. To me that’s absolutely ridiculous. Especially since it goes beyond the current level .


Yeah then they still give impossible to beat enemies from top guilds

Yeah I don’t know why the level of the team doesn’t match the individual heroes.

As some forum members already pointed in the other topics, hero level 190 is beyond level cap(180). Friend disk level 188 is also(190-40=150max).

Is the matchmaking is reasonable…?

Welp…It was also b4 matchmaking…
Disk and Heroes more than cap were before matchmaking too

I have never had that issue before.

Simple. You are at the cap, have heroes that are maxed on skills, hero level and rarity. To ensure accurate difficulty, the level and skills of enemies goes over the cap.

And the level 73 guy being there is matchmaking reasoning to avoid a lot of meta teams. High percentage of capped people have a meta team. Thus if it picked all players at the same hero level it would be impossible to beat (as CW before the upgrade had that).

The “Level 73” is a bug that we’re in the process of fixing, so my apologies there. The scaling over the level cap is designed that way in order to provide an adequate challenge for players who are at the cap. After our most recent update, you shouldn’t see those levels scale any higher than 20 over the cap.


And here’s another one I ran into… Up to level 200

For the last time… it’s not a bug. :man_facepalming:

I’ve been seeing this on server 21.
Levels, skills, disc stars, power. Pick one it’s a formula to create an opposing team that’s all.
I’m happy to see verity in the lineups now as I don’t need to spend several hours over to try to complete a city watch (Let among one fight) anymore. Toys to the rescue challenge is still off the table (unfortunately).

The “Level 73” is a bug that we’re in the process of fixing, so my apologies there.
That statement came from one of the game designers.
So before you get ignorant and think you know facts. Maybe you should read comments first😉

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It technically isn’t a bug. The system is working correctly, and the hero scaling is creating opponents at the level it should.

The Level 73 display is the team level for the player you’re facing. It’s confusing because the heroes can be way over that level, which is impossible for a regular player to do. So, the design team is adjusting the display to remove any confusing information.


@Tabbykat before you get too cocky read Polaris’ message.

@Polaris . Some forum members are saying here this is a bug , not a bug .

What they actualy want to say is please stop matchmaking using absurdly strong creeps or I dont mind matchmaking.

Of course you are proud of the company, however, this is another matter. (Therefore the game designer posted to help them, I think.)

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