Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

for an entire year!

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Dreams do come true.
Now all we need from lilo and stitch is Ruben and lilo.


Also @Polaris are you guys now adding new heros in all servers for updates?

If yes then cool.


And you’re assuming.

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They said that her status hasn’t changed since February or something :man_shrugging:

I’m not sure player’s name and characters’ level will not be shown in CW, however I give you some info in the past posts.

This is the message from the game designer.

Lv cap is 185 on S1-12(see patch note for 2.1), so max friend disc lv is 145+20=165 for creeps in CW. The situation where we are is exactly introduced intendedly by PerBlue, but I think it’s too difficult to win.

So what’s the problem? No one was buying the overpriced trash invsion deals? Should we buy deals for every other game mode so it’s playable.
Invasion was good and the most enjoyable part. Why don’t you guys Nerf the mama bots. Most other heroes are useless against it. Mr.inc and Bo peep both aren’t very well for bosses above 500 lvl. Heck in some other color invasions mostly all heroes are trash. Not everyone can lvl up all the heroes to check which heroes are best suited. The freaking mama takes no dmg after certain point and points required are too much to progress through higher tiers. Rewards are the worst part of it. Just 1 mod with same types of mod upgrade pieces. There are 100’s of heroes don’t you think you should increase the rewards a bit. It takes months to wait for upgrade that you want. Not enough mods and upgrade pieces. You guys give 10x mod power on contests than in invasion. What’s the point?
I literally played not for rewards but for the fun of it. It was so enjoyable. Thanks for ruining it. I might actually quit now.


I’m sorry but unless the steal cap is tremendously high, I completely refute that most players won’t notice. I’m about to hit tier 64 today, and have hit it for the past few weeks using Gizmo. I’ll post my results the week after next but I’m not expecting to get past tier 50, I don’t have hours and hours of free time.

Those 10k+ bots still take a huge time investment to reach btw, even with Gizmo. That’s 2000 hits/breakers. Gizmo is useless in breaker quest.

Lots of players who were using him can probably say goodbye to those advanced mod pieces & upgrades.


Killed meta game mode, where most of hero’s power comes, mods improve stats to this level these-days that it decide who wins the battle in all game modes.
People now won’t be able to reach highest tiers, but only “whales”, leaving behind F2P for which upgrading only 5 heroes for all 3 types of invasion for success was easy to do.
Now gap will expand, once again.

Invasion kill count:
Bo Peep

And other “things”, 2 new broken heroes to max, 20k more gold if that would help… and not required Queen refresh.

Magically… no, just normally, waiting after such long time people would be just happy to finally have her.
Of course it will be good and make things better.
The words would come true at least.

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When was Quorra good in Invasion?

Was this before her Purple Skill was capped?

She was nerfed right before release of invasion, she also had added cap damage in her skill - purple skill.
This pretty made her worthless back then.

Because otherwise, her active would always remove 80% HP on any boss.


No just no absolutely not thats the worse line on this post

I really like Jumba’s skillset, very unique. The “precise” effect is genius and his experimental upgrade is really cool too.

Pleakley is a little less exciting but still neat I guess, all built around a signature Mosquito gimmick.

And Queen of Hearts’ refresh is the most substantial change I’ve ever seen in one of these Hero Refreshes. She’s been among my near-top heroes for a while, just barely making it into my Coliseum teams, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have mixed feelings about elements of her changes as her white skill’s enemy shuffle was always my favourite part of her skillset by far, and now her white does something completely different, but there’s so much going on here that I’d really have to use the new Queen of Hearts to see for myself. Could potentially give her a nice boost

As for Gizmoduck, that does sound very much like an exploit, and I think they were right to fix it


Luckily I am still in Challengers so hopefully I unlock Jumba pretty quick! Stitch and Jumba and Pleakley!

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Just remembered we had this deal yesterday morning.

@polaris was this intentional timing? May as well put a mail out today to people who purchased saying “thanks for the $20, suckers!”


And when Jafar and Davy were “nerfed”, other skills were buffed.

And Gizmoduck even if he isn’t good for PVP received only solid nerf, cap, but nothing else to compensate this lose on other skills.

Glad PB added Jumba and Pleakley or else people would only have complaints about the patch notes!

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Flag me if you want, I’m really done how PB steal our time, money and trust. I play this game only for my friends from guild


I am extremely happy with the new patch notes!!!

Also sorry if I am annoying you with all my happiness and celebration posts but I am just so happy about Jumba and Pleakley being added!!!

(Also one could say the nerf complaints is annoying so yeah)

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Lol, I’m pretty sure that a new hero with these skills will come in the next updates.

The game gets tough, but your updates are to blame.I haven’t experienced an update yet. Another new bug.

You should rather improve your programming skills, because the nerf will update you from update to update.

What is the problem of the insvasion exploding? I see neither disadvantage for you and for us.

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