Claude Frollo Concept (Requested by @Banjo_Kaz00ie)

This concept was requested by @Oahufan16

Claude Frollo Concept

Claude Frollo uses his internal hatred to devastate his enemies with fire.

“And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!”
Role: Tank
Position: Frontline
Trials Team: Blue

Basic Attack: Swings his sword
Entrance: Walks in humbly, judging the enemy team
Victory: Grins with flames reflected in his eyes
Defeat: Gasps and falls down


White Skill: Hellfire
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage
Passive: Frollo receives 25% less damage from enemies with a debuff.

Active: Frollo grins as the enemy team is consumed by flames dealing X damage and blinding enemies for 12 seconds.

Green Skill: Indomitable Will
:fist: Normal Damage
Frollo is immune to disables.
Frollo counters a disable with his sword dealing X damage and stunning the enemy for 4 seconds.
Frollo can counter a disable once every 6 seconds.

Blue Skill: Leader’s Bidding
Frollo leads his allies into battle granting them 50% attack speed at the start of each wave for 18 seconds.
This skill is less effective on allies above level X.

Purple Skill: Vengeful
Frollo and his allies gain X Max HP.

Red Skill: Judge Duties
Frollo targets the Most Wanted enemy at the start of each wave.
Frollo and allies deal 50% more damage to the Most Wanted enemy.
The Most Wanted enemy gains 25% less energy.
The Most Wanted enemy is the enemy with the most basic damage.
Energy reduction has a chance to fail if the enemy is above level X.
+X Damage dealt by Hellfire
+X Skill Power
+X Reality


Regal Wrath
Frollo and Maleficent
Stronger against Tank role enemies
+X Armour to Frollo and allies
+X Max HP
Frollo deals 10% more damage to Tank Role enemies (+10% per star)
Allies - Scar, Rafiki, Hank & Dory

Frollo and Gaston
Heals at low health
Frollo heals X HP over 10 seconds the first time he drops below 50% of his Max HP
Frollo gains a shield equal to 10% of his armour at the start of each wave for 18 seconds (+10% per star)
Allies - Stitch, Tron, Hector


Wouldn’t X armor make more sense? because more armor = more shield

The idea was more that he would have high armour and low reality due to being a tank.

but still a heal there just seems like cramming a lot of stuff in one disk

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