Claude Frollo Hero Concept

:star::star: Claude Frollo


With the heavens on his side, Claude Frollo is ready to march into battle.

“Mark my words, Gypsy, you will pay for this insolence.”

Role: Mid-Line Support

Team: Blue

Entrance Animation: Claude Frollo enters reading the Bible, then places it in his coat.

Victory Animation: Claude Frollo grins and rubs his ring.

Defeat Animation: Claude Frollo kneels down to pray.

Basic Attack:
Claude Frollo stabs enemies with his dagger.

White Skill: Hellfire
Claude Frollo summons Hellfire, which deals X damage over Y seconds to all enemies. This ignores all damage over time immunities.


Green Skill: Heaven’s Blessing
Claude Frollo holds his ring up towards the sky, a beam of light then heals Frollo and his allies for X health and additionally grants his allies Y energy

Blue Skill: Beata Maria
Beata Maria appears in front of an enemy who is about to take damage. Beata Maria absorbs the attack and grants the ally X energy.


Purple Skill: Don’t Defy Me
When an ally is stunned or silenced, Claude Frollo increases that allies armor by X and increases their speed by Y.


Red Skill: Righteous Man
Claude Frollo gains an extra X armor and has a 50% chance to dodge a disable.


  • Hades and Claude Frollo
    On Fire: Hellfire now deals X fantastic damage.
    Other heroes: Anger, Mushu, Jack-Jack

image image

  • Elsa and Claude Frollo
    Cool Down: Righteous man now has a 60% dodge chance.
    Other heroes: Powerline, Eeyore, Joy

image dialogue_elsa2

Now that you’ve read about Claude Frollo, answer this question. Should there be a villains collection category?
( Maleficent, Scar, Hades, etc…)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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STOP making rapid fire concepts! How long is it taking you to make one? Take a break, look at other’s concepts, and listen to feedback and improve.


Of course the creator is not responding to the feedback. (I am not trying to be rude or anything)

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Sorry, I was busy with dinner. But I totally understand what you are saying. I do think I need a break and will definitely be looking at other concepts and try to improve.


Awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you create in the future.

Thank you so much! I know I’m new to this but if there is anything that anybody wants me to try creating I will look into it and see what I can do. Thanks again for the support.

Once my break is over of course

Feel free to ask me for help! I am not the best, but I am willing to help out. There are so many concept makers who are so kind and willing to help!

Thank you!

He burned almost all of Paris down, tried to execute many gypsies, and almost killed Quasi as a baby. Sounds very sinful to me.



No, just… no…

When has a beam of light ever shined specifically on Frollo?

Beata Maria means “Blessed Maria”. Also, no.

Pretty useless if they are stunned :upside_down_face:

Please explain how they can be friends…


Elsa and Claude Frollo are supposed to be like fire and ice, since Claude Frollo uses Hellfire and Elsa has Ice powers and she is telling him to just cool down. Speed increase may be useless while stunned but not every hero is perfect. Beata Maria is used a a shield since she is represented as the Virgin Mary who’s name comes from purity, which hints the energy gift. Also the lyrics in Hellfire say: “ Protect me, Maria.” Since Frollo is a religious person, I thought a heveanly light should shine down at him, since he has shown little kindness, such as feeding and protecting Quasimodo. Also I really like the idea of a villain who does not deal much damage.

You realize Frollo is a terrible person, but a great villain. Hellfire is a song that shows his lust for Esmerelda and has done a whole bunch of other bad things. This concept paints him as a good person, which I do not think they should do. Yes he would be a hero, but he needs his character to come through in the concept, just like the other villains.

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Yes he is a terrible person, but he doesn’t picture himself as an evil person. He says that his actions are justified because they are in god’s will. He uses God’s will to get away from injustice. The idea is from his perspective on what he thinks he is. I also thought another damage villain would be too predictable, so I went with this skill set.

I did not say he needed to be damage. He would be a great control, which would be easier to have his bad side come out.

This is true, but again, this concept might be a bit controversial with differing opinions and how bad he is, which is why the villain side of him would more likely happen if he were in game.

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Although this is a unique approach, it isn’t a good one.

The concept has to feel like Frollo in general, not like what he thinks of himself

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PerBlue please add Claude Frollo! You already have Quasimodo, Phoebus, and Esmeralda in the game so add Claude Frollo to round out the Hunchback Of Notre Dame characters! Also this isn’t required but if you want please add the gargoyles Victor, Hugo, and Laverne!

Hey, as much as I would also like to see these characters be added to the game, please don’t keep replying to older topics. Not only does it flood the front page of the forums, but these topics also have not had any activity on them for quite a while (some even several years). I would suggest either finding a still-active topic to discuss this, or make your own if you can’t find one.

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