Color blindness issue

I have red\green color blindness, slightly, and I have some major issues in this game. The green used in the guild name is, pretty, perfect for this blindness.

Tried to attach screenshot but not able to. In the contest menu for rankings, the guild names are barely visible higher up on the list. The further down the list, the guild names get harder and harder to make out. The bottom one is completely unreadable to me.

This is just a sample as it is all over the game. My suggestion would be to remove that type of green and darken it up a bit. I know more severe cases will still have issues but if my slight problem is causing me this level of frustration, can’t imagine how someone with a worse case can feel.

Appreciate you reviewing this feedback.


Maybe go to your settings and adjust it?

Can you please explain what setting to change? Only thing I see is for sound, chat, and push notifications. Nothing for accessibility.

Wait, what kind of device is it? iOS? Android?

Android device

Ah… I only know how to help on an iOS device. Sorry.

Hopefully you get a reply, I’d be really interested in knowing this too as I have a different colour issue so I know how annoying it is


It would be interesting and not, I imagine, all that difficult for PB to add some colour filter settings for text & borders etc. Lots of console games have such settings. :+1:t2:

That said, there could be some settings in your device… uh settings, to help also

like Fortnite has it lol


A colorblindness mode for the game could maybe also be an option :-).
Increasing accessibility options in a game is really good and overall good practice I think.

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