Color of numbers meaning

What does the blue (like 2), muted red (like 20), and bright red (like 241) colors mean on the right?

I think it has to do with the type of thing being discussed??

Game related stuff is dark blue dots or that is dark red to you?? Ok…

Then blue dots discuss forums stuff

And red discuss announcements…that is my best guess?

If you’re on PC, just hover your cursor onto the color if you want to know what they mean. If you’re on mobile, or if you don’t want to do the first one, here’s what it means:

  • Blue means, it has (insert number here) replies, which means that the topic isn’t that booming.
  • Muted Red, in your case, has (insert number here) replies and has a high like to post ratio.
  • Bright Red, has (insert number here) replies and has a very high like to post ratio.

Basically, the brighter the color, the higher the like (:heart:) to post (replies) ratio. It also means that the topic is popular right now.


Thank you! That’s very helpful. Here, have a gold star! :star:️

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