damage , red team quote: “Nope, we’re all our own snowflakes.”
Entrance: the triplets get on top of each other, forming a totem pole.
Defeat: They fall down, get up and walk off the screen
Victory: They get down and run away, preparing far a dart gun game.
Idle: The trio (as a totem pole like always) starts wobbling a little.
Basic attack punches enemies
White: all tied up, Huey throws rope at enemies dealing 406 damage and stunning them for 9 seconds.
Green: Child’s play, The triplets each get a dart gun, and shoot all enemies.
Blue: friend of the shadows, Lina comes (if friendship unlocked)(sorry for spoiling the next concept) and awakens the shadow monster in her necklace, scaring enemies for 10 seconds.
Purple: Backup, When the triplets reach 0 hp, Scrooge revives them for 50% of their HP.
Friend disk:
Darkwing: Spin Off, Backup also heals other allies for 50% of their hp
That was my first hero concept. I hope you like it!