Concept and real life comparisons (Davy Jones)

This is part two of my comparison topics

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Do not test me


Yellow frontline control

Basic attack:
Hits enemy with his sword dealing x

White attack: the kraken
The kraken grabs an enemy and pulls them off screen instantly defeating them

Green attack: the wretched curse
Jones curses an enemy turning them into a squid man

Blue attack: on stranger tides
Jones summons maccus to help him dealing 50 damage

Purple attack: your heart belongs to me
Jones steals 100 health from an enemy

Red attack: sadistic villain
Jones buffs his team for 15 seconds

Jack Sparrow:
Disk: at world’s end
On stranger tides does 50 more damage

Tia Dalma
Disk: former lovers
Jones does 50% more basic damage

real life

Davy Jones

Davy Jones is a front-line ”Control” character. Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero on Servers 1-22 .


Wake the Kraken
Davy Jones calls the Kraken to battle, causing the Kraken to slam enemies with its giant tentacle, dealing damage, and bonus damage to cursed enemies.

Claw Counter
Davy Jones blocks a melee attack with his claw, then counters, dealing damage and stunning the enemy. Davy Jones can only block an attack every few seconds.

Dead Man’s Chest
When Davy Jones reaches a specific HP, the Dead Man’s Chest is uncovered on the battlefield. Until the chest is destroyed, Davy Jones cannot fall below 1 HP. The Dead Man’s Chest has Max HP. Cursed enemies deal less damage to the Dead Man’s Chest.

Black Spot
The player chooses an enemy for Davy Jones to mark with a black spot at the start of each wave. The selected enemy is cursed until they are KO’d, then the curse jumps to the closest target. While the battle is on auto, Davy Jones chooses the back-most enemy to receive the black spot at the start of each wave.

A Debt to Pay
When the Dead Man’s Chest has been visible for a specific time, it disappears until “Dead Man’s Chest” is triggered again. When the chest disappears Davy Jones heals, becomes invincible, and removes energy from the enemy team.


  • Davy Jones and Oogie Boogie


  • my jones probably wouldn’t stand up against the current meta, while the real one is probably the strongest hero in the game
  • both white attacks include the kraken, mine Is INCREDIBLY powerful due to it instantly killing them
  • your heart belongs to me and *dead man’s chest are relatively similar in theme

All in all, my jones probably would be powerful but not as powerful the beast or tia dalma (before she was nerfed). The real jones is incredibly broken , he is probably the new version of the beast and Goliath combined. Overall Davy Jones will be a good addition to your team if you are looking for someone with incredible power.


Tell me what you think

I think you should have put them both in one topic.

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Okay I’ll do that next time, if there is a next time. Maybe I’ll just put them in my concept crypt

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