Concept and real life comparisons (king Louie)

This is part one of my concept and real life hero comparisons

King Louie Concept

King Louie swings in with his bananas and Bandar log tribe ready for battle

“I wanna be like you”
Role: Damage
Position: Front
Trials Team: Yellow

Basic Attack: Louie swings his arm at an enemy which deals x
Entrance: Louie drops from a vine and eats a banna
Victory: does a dance where his arms go in the air and fall on the ground
Defeat: Rock falls from the sky but Louie disappears before it can hit him, this is very similar to linguini and remey’s defeat


White Skill: Fruit fling
:sparkles: Fantastic damage
Louie takes out a banana and squeezes it so hard it shoots a banana and stuns an enemy and deals Z damage

Green Skill: Bandar log attack
:fist: Normal
The Bandar log swing down and throw bananas at the enemy dealing X.
If Louie happens to be attacked the Bandar log will be slower, if he is attacked twice the Bandar log will leave by grabbing on to a vine and flying up out of the screen

Blue Skill: the jungle V.I.P
:shield: shield
Louie eats a banana and is shielded

Purple Skill: have a banana
After louie’s health is gone, Louie eats a bunch of bananas and is given 50% of his health back

Red Skill: a true royal
Louie gains a damage buff lasting 12 seconds
+X Fruit fling
+X Damage
+X Health


King Louie and Huey, Dewey, and Louie
learning mans red flower
+X overall damage
Allies - the evil queen, Donald Duck, Aladdin

King Louie and Rafiki
Monkeying around
+X bandar Log barrage no longer will be slower if Louie is attacked
Allies - simba and nala, jasmine, launchpad McQuack


King Louie

King Louie is a mid-line “Damage” hero. King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates on Servers 1-22 .


Banana Barrage
King Louie pulls out a big bunch of bananas and smashes them, causing bananas to fly everywhere and dealing damage to the frontmost enemy and additional damage to all other enemies. If enemies are slowed, the bananas deal bonus damage.

Powerful Pound
King Louie pounds the ground in front of him, sending out a shockwave that deals damage to the closest enemy, slows their attack and movement speed, and knocks them back.

Monkeyin’ Around
King Louie calls in a chain of monkeys to assist him, grabbing the frontmost enemy and moving them to the back of the enemy line while sapping them.

Peel Off
After each basic attack, King Louie throws a banana peel on the ground. Banana peels deal damage to enemies that step on them and cause them to slip, slowing their attack and movement speeds. A maximum number of bananas can exist on the battlefield at one time.

Jungle V.I.P.
King Louie’s attack speed is increased each time an enemy is knocked back. This attack speed boost can stack up to a limit of times. King Louie now smacks the ground additional times when using “Powerful Pound”.


  • King Louie and Animal
  • King Louie and Peter Pan


  • My king Louie and the real one seem to have a lot in common in white
  • my green skill and real life’s blue skill are almost identical
  • both red skills have similar names, but mine has damage buff while the real one has a speed increase

I am looking forward to king Louie and am very excited, I have made the final king Louie concept to ever be made. Both are very similar.

Concept and real life (Davy Jones) should come out in a few days after I publish my mother gothel concept


Tell me what you think of the first concept and real life comparisons, I won’t be making as much of these mainly because I linger toward unlikely concepts, but I know I will be doing two more after this

You could have just said this in the OG topic


Yeah well I wanted to make a new series

This is a interesting topic,I think that the comparison topic is cool

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