Costume Thread only crates

My major disappointment with “cosmetic” crates is that they keep making emojis or something else that isn’t cosmetic threads.

Case in point, Nick Wilde hasn’t gotten any more threads in over a year.

So I am recommending they make a new kind of reward crate, one that only produces costume threads.


Sadly, PerBlue won’t be making any more costumes, anytime soon, so these crates won’t have much use.

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Costume Threads could still be given in contests regularly though.

I would personally like if we could get some new type of currency with every duplicate cosmetic, so it can be used to get specific cosmetics. Would be helpful for those who know what they want :money_with_wings:


Hero costumes need a higher drop rate in cosmetic crates I have never had a drop form a costume since cosmetic crates were introduced

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