Create your own Character

I am trying to kira’s attention she is one that is most invested in my idea… i think.

Ah, haven’t been on the forum in a little while, but yeah feel free to ask me in terms of the question you have :-).

I think they should add some characters from meet the Robinsons and finding nemo cause they seem like under rated movies

But a character I would create would be more like fish charter that is half dragon half fish

Only Meet the Robinsons is underrated

If any of these characters were in the game, who would there friends be? More specifically, since Tera sees the good in everybody, including villains, which villain would she try to befriend?

Hum… . Not sure.
As long as long as she isn’t scared/uncomfortable with the character when seeing them I imagine she might want to try to befriend most of them.
Madam Mim might be the easiest one as she isn’t evil per say, especially if it is the modern comic version of her as her modern comic version of her isn’t as crazy, as well as her being a magic user as well.

Magica could maybe work as well, but depending on which personality either Magica can be a friend as Tera is a magic user too or at the very least Magica trying to use her, or she rejects Tera.
Magica’s personality based on the art in the game seem to be the version of her that would try to take advantage of Tera’s goodwill or reject her. (Haven’t gotten to unlock Magica’s friendships yet in the game).

I think most of the villains would take advantage of her. Don’t you think?

Madam Mim might be the only one who might not take advantage of her depending on what she feel for. Or at least the comic version, though the comic version isn’t really a villian I suppose.

What about the rest of the character. Who would their friends be?

Why do you show us a picture of food?


I think only bear has a chance.

How about a Disney Princess that also acts as a villain.

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