Current contest and prize wall

So the current contest is for duff and prize wall tokens. So great the contest starts one day after the prize wall, especially for all the players who have earned tokens and upgraded the hero. What do we get for that??? Seems like the contest is tweaked so that more people play this prize wall and then there can be justification through the “data” that more people played the prize wall for the tokens than the previous stamania and other rewards.

Contest is not something I ever take into consideration because it’s just a resource hog that has its best progress rewards at the lower point levels that I passively seem to hit during normal gameplay. I attained Sisu way too late in my progress to invest in another hero, so that’s all been useless. The same can be said for Voyd and Bagheera.

The Prize Wall. Quest rewards got turned into tokens, but it seems that every stage of the PW requires me to get down to the last 4 spots or less before I finally find him. It feels like the odds were lowered to counter the additional tokens being received now. I really dislike the removal of the other quest rewards.

Of the two game modes, the Prize Wall has the best potential to be something enjoyable. The Contests need a major refresh/revamp though.

It’s easy enough to keep track of how many guesses it takes to hit the jackpot for each stage. I did that this past winter, when there were several people claiming that it was taking longer to hit the jackpot in each stage than what chance would allow; if you’re curious, the results of going through 5 Prize Walls each on two different accounts was that, on average, it took about 18.5 guesses to get the jackpot, or exactly what one should expect from random chance.

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