Daisy Duck hero concept my version

Dali’s you Duck gold crate exclusive has a very low chance to pull control hero strategy use 2+ star control heroes and the quackerjack Swedish chef combo quote is called oh doodles bio is with daisy’s fashionable choices her battle style is truly stunning
Basic attack daisy whacks an enemy
Position front roll control
Stars 1
White skill lets conga passive when daisy damages an enemy with her basic attack she gains 1 stack of fabulousness active daisy congas removing her stacks of fabulousness dealing 650 damage per stack of fabulousness she has
Green skill spotlight shine at the beginning of the wave daisy shines a spotlight on an enemy when that enemy is defeated daisy gains 2 stack of fabulousness and all other enemies are stunned the stun has chance to fail against enemies above level 1
Blue skill snapdragon sparkle daisy drives her snapdragon into the enemy with the spotlight or a random enemy dealing 1658 damage per stack of fabulousness she has
Purple skill is skirt if more fab when daisy reaches 0hp daisy revives with a dress with 100% health she gains 47% maximum health per stack of fabulousness that was consumed
Red skilll is I had it true damage if there is one 2+ star control hero on the team daisy goes to midline and shoots enemies with perfume which damages enemies for 5 seconds this attack gains 25% speed per stack of fabulousness she gphas when daisy reaches 10 stacks of fabulousness daisy stuns all enemies for 12 seconds and applies 5 stacks of fatigue for 12 seconds this has a chance to fail against enemies above level 121 friendships with Donald Duck romantic race daisy and Donald are enclosed with them being in the city and they race with their roadsters while have a fancy dinner disk is
Called 1st fabulous place daisy starts with 2 stacks of fabulousness
Friendship with disgust fashion fantastic - er show daisy and disgust notice their fashionable interest in fashion so daisy designs some clothes for disgust to win the fashion show but disgust complains about daisys choices and daisy complains about disgusts complaints
Disk is called true dazzle when daisy revives she gains 550 armor

Welcome to the forums!

Make sure you space out the skills, descriptions, quote, friendships, etc, a bit more so it’s more easier to read.

Uh… :confused:

We never had a gold crate exclusive hero before :man_shrugging:

“The Quackerjack”?

Also what?


It should be labeled as X instead since damage increases as you level up your hero

Should be labeled as Level Z or Level X. Because similar reason as above.

Red skills don’t have a new animation

What’s “gphas”? :thinking:

*Her show?

You need to add at least two more boosts to your discs

Should be “X armor”


Please check out Character Concept Scaffold and A Guide to Making Character Concepts to help improve your concepts in the future.


Hamm has a similar red skill and he dosen’t need a new animation

I am showing the stats at level 1 if it becomes a real character in the game

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Also fashioner but with a - it shows the combination better

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Also entrance is Daisy Duck walks fancily in the stage victory daisy blows a kiss defeat daisy trips and her high heels fall causing her to make an angry face

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