Darth Vader

Description: Formerly known as Anakin Skywalker before turned by the Sith, comes Darth Vader. Trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi and prepared to use the force and wield a lightsaber.
Team: Red
Position: Front
Type: Damage
Stars: 1
Quote: “No… I am your father.”
Basic Attack: Hits enemy with lightsaber
Entrance: Vader walks in and pulls out his lightsaber.
Victory: Vader laughs.
Defeat: Vader’s helmet falls off and he starts to struggle to breathe, then he fades.

White Skill: Give In to the Dark
Darth Vader choke holds the closest enemy until he runs out of energy. Darth Vader deals X fantastic damage with every second he chokes the enemy. Vader has a 50% chance to convert 25% of it as health for himself. Afterwards; he will throw that enemy to the back of the map. This will stun that enemy for 8 seconds.

Green Skill: Lightsaber Throw
Darth Vader throws his lightsaber across the screen twice. The first time, dealing normal damage to all enemies. The second time, he throws specifically at the front most enemy, which deals true damage.

Blue Skill: Revenge of the Sith
Darth Vader jumps into the middle of the enemy team and begins to duel with enemies for 8 seconds. He is invincible and cannot take damage and deals X normal to enemies he hits, and steals a buff.

The steal has a chance to fail if enemy level is above Vader’s

Purple Skill: Strength of Anger
If Darth Vader takes 25% of his max HP in one attack, he goes into a rage and instantly heals 25% of his max HP, and instantly performs Revenge of the Sith with no cooldown.

Red Skill: Impressive, Most Impressive.
Darth Vader deals extra damage on Revenge of the Sith if he has just performed Give In To The Dark. The length of Revenge of the Sith is increased by 3 seconds. (+ 0.1 seconds with each upgrade)

Friendships: Darth Vader and Emperor Zurg
Disk: Rulers of the Galaxy
Effect: When Vader performs Give In to the Dark, he can now take 3 enemies instead of just one. For the other 2 he takes, they will take 30% of the damage the front most enemy takes. (+10% with each star)
Description: Vader meets Zurg and they work to rule the Galaxy.
Allies: Scar, Hades, Randall

Darth Vader and Jango Fett
Description: Jango attempts to wield a lightsaber and requests Vader’s help.
Allies: Emperor Palpatine (coming soon), Boba Fett, Ian Lightfoot
Disk: Bounty Hunter’s Lightsaber
Effect: Vader becomes immune to stuns and fear. Any attempt at a stunning or fear attack is ignored and has a 50% chance to be reflected.

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