Darwin from G-force

concept for hero

basic attack, Darwin pulls out his blaster to shoot energy balls at his enemies.

description, genetically modified guinea pig from the elite team G-force he may be small but has skills out of this world.

quote,I,m a commando who just so happens to be a guinea pig.

entrance, Darwin parachutes onto the arena and putting off his goggles.

defeat.darwin falls to the ground then his jetpack explodes.

victory, Darwin dances with hurley Juarez and blaster.

disk,lab guinea pig, COFFEMAKER!! now well deal 40% more damage to enemies.
Darwin is just wondering around the city until he bumps into Jumba who never saw a talking guinea so he starts expirementing with Darwin starting with beating up some creeps

darkwing duck,
disk,secret in the dark,
darkwing is inspired by how Darwin is so good at top secret missions and wants to know more so Darwin shows him how to by beating some creeps out of the way.

white skill
normal damage
operation G-force
Darwin calls in the rest of the G-force in the three wheel vehicle. and roll into enemies dealing 58HP damage to
any enemy hit
may have a 65% chance of freeze,silence,stun

green skill
cake come to papa
Darwin calls in Hurley who give a slice of cake to weakest allies giving them 56HP health has a 80% chance to give 170 health to allies with :star::star::star:.

blue skill
normal damage
every time hurley comes to grant cake he farts out gas that deal 68HP damage to any enemy that touch’s it.
has a 55% chance to, stun, freeze, silence.

purple skill
don,t try this at home kids
every time Darwin uses operation guinea pig all the enemies that were hit grant Darwin 58HP health.but lose 89HP health.

red skill
any attack Darwin makes is 10% more affective if used on a robot or toy enemy e.g. Eve Buzz Zurg Wall-e
has a 40% chance to freeze,stun,

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I’m planning on doing a concept on the trio as well :blush: (Blaster Darwin and Jaurez) This is my favorite Disney movie of all time!!!:partying_face:

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