Della duck concept

HI! this is my second concept hope you enjoy it and at the end please post all feedback

Della Duck

Stars: :star2:
Quote: Nothing can stop Della Duck!
Position: front
Role: damage
Trial: red
Entrance: she crashes de spear of selene
Victory: Della jumps happily
Defeat: see her photo of Huey, Dewey and Louie sadly
Basic attack: she punches a enemy

White skill: Best friends - Normal damage :fist:
Best friends: Della calls her friend Penny to help her in the battle shutting her gold laser dealing X damage and silencing the enemies for 10 seconds, the silence can fail if the enemies are above X level

Green skill: Pretty cool robot leg - normal damage :fist:
Della kicks the nearest enemy to her with her robot leg dealing X damage and knocking him back

Blue skill: Gyro´s oxy-chew
Della eats a oxy chew and heals X HP for 5 seconds. Cooldown 10 seconds

Purple skill: Always ready
The first time Della reaches her 0% max HP she stand ups again because nothing can stop Della Duck! after she revives she gains invincivility for 5 seconds

Red skill: Best mom
Each time Della uses Gyro´s oxy-chew also increases her attack speed 15%
Increased reality
Increased max HP
Increased damage dealt with Spear of Selene

Friendships: Della Duck/Huey, Dewey and Louie
Disk: Great family
Allies: Davy Jones, Linguini and Remy and Li Shang
Buff: When Della uses Gyro´s oxy-chew also heals a 10% of the HP she heals to the allies

Della Duck/Calhoun
Disk: Dangerous moms
Allies: Genie, Merida and Buzz
Buff: Each time she uses Pretty cool robot leg also deals damage over time to enemies in an area


Please add Della to the game :slight_smile:


Also any feedback is welcome

Any feedback you say? Well…

Typo in spear, also this “crashing a ship on the battle field” idea makes me think of Launchpad’s entrance and wonder if Della’s should match that where her entrance is crashing into the battle and then her White Skill can be something more personal :innocent:

Also I would add pictures for each skill, pictures are fun and help the common reader visualise the scene/battle better x

Overall, brilliant concept though. Very well done :sunglasses:

I also was thinking in another white skill, but finally I decide that one, this is the other
Best friends: Della calls her friend Penny to help her in the battle shutting her gold laser dealing X damage and silencing the enemies for 10 seconds

I try taking scrrenshots in Disney + for this but I can´t, if you know about a site where I can take them please tell me

Thanks :sunglasses:

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This isn´t like hristoff and sven abilitie, Penny left the battle after she shut the gold laser, only clarifying :upside_down_face:

This is a cool concept! The only question I have is about her purple skill:

Does Della gain anything after reviving like most characters with a similar effect do (Healing, invincibility, boosted stats, etc.)?

no she doesnt, I will add something

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