DH September Shop Refresh

This year has gone so fast (for better or worse).
It’s nice to see Prince Phillip be featured in contest rewards, even though I already gave him 6 stars.
The only refreshes that I’m cool with is John Silver and Winnie the Pooh because I’ll have the chance to give them both 6 stars.
This is a pretty nice shop refresh overall.

So, no Duff chips next month, OK.

I’m glad I was able to finish maxing their red skill this week.


Will Daisy still be in Diamond Crate @Nugget ? If not, cool, I have a lot of coliseum tokens, now I will save them up.

Good, now I can buy her.

YES YES YES YES YES!!! I now want her in my coliseum team so, very good, very good. :ok_hand:

Mmmmm… meh, now I can only buy her rarely now… hopefully in next shop refresh Aurora will appear in gold crates, as well as Daisy? Hopefully… Other than that I love this, and I am glad Daisy can be bought without diamonds.

I understand why the sign in character was removed but ngl these updates feel empty without one…


What about Pacha? He hasn’t been here in like a month. We deserve him to come to gold crates and elite campaign


18 days

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Oh barley, John silver and Dr. Facilier being in the shops again. I couldve sworn they were already there once or twice. Time for other characters to replace them.


This crate NEVER appears, what’s the point of this?

Hurray! So good.

Acha… interesting.


Bye-bye, don’t see you for next 3 months!

Once added, it will be never removed, it’s been like that for over 4 years, weird question.

But she will be added to gold crates too.


All Shop Heroes are in all crates unless they are 2* or 3* unlocks which… none of the new heroes is.

Heroes in Shops are also (along with the Diamond Crate) in Gold Crate as well.

Hence why this is half useless since Daisy will be the very second she appears in Coliseum Shop.

Daisy? Useless? Uhm, yea I think not.

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Daisy is a good charm counter, but I think anyone who played during the 4th anniversary already has her stars maxed

But it is nice to have a refresh!

Dang, I was starting to work on mr. Big.:sob::sob:

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I do have her stars maxed out, but her chips are good for Mods, leveling up her red skill, and stuff like that :smiley:

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Oh, nice! Yes, she is great for wasting chips :joy::joy:

One question @nugget and @lourte, Will Raya be added to the princesses collection?

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Oops, typo for his name

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know why you thought I have stated Daisy is useless. Where the ||| is I actually forgot to write in gold crates.
And what I meant by it is… well you can figure out. I mentioned it that way because you stated “hopefully in next shop refresh” where… Daisy will actually be in Gold Crates with this one.

Yeah, having her in the Coliseum shop for 3 months should get me pretty close to maxing her red skill by the end of that time.

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