DHBM/Forums Trivia!

When is the next one? Do you just do them consecutively?

Yes, every week is a new round.

Sorry, I wasnā€™t clear enough, I mean the next question.

Oh, those I just make them randomly.

Which are 4 the roles?

Damage, Support, Control, Tank.

Correct! (10c)

I still canĀ“t edit :grimacing:

Why is it that whenever Rino makes a question I am on another tab doing homeworkā€¦ I have bad timing :sweat:

No idea but here is another question!
Which trial team has more heroes?

Oh and @Myeong


Red! It has 46 characters.

Blue and yellow have 45.

Done. :+1:

Correct! donĀ“t forget what I said to Myeong


Same except Iā€™m off doing something else thatā€™s not homework. Rino is always asking questions when Iā€™m not on, lol.

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And it happened again :sweat_smile:

I actually made the question fast so you see the question before you go to another tab

What hero uses an Ion Blaster in their white skill until they run out of energy?

The evil Emperor Zurg! Sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance! And Ms. Nesbitā€¦

Correct! (10c) (I still canĀ“t edit)

I can edit again!

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