DHBM/Forums Trivia!

Myeong wins the challenge!

How many stages are in CW and how many fights you have win to clear a stage?

I think there are five stages and three fights per stage.

Correct! (10c)

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Forums question: What is my profile picture?

The Naco badge. (I think its from KP)



Which role has more characters?

Damage has the most as far as I know

Correct! (10c)

What have in common Merida and Swedish Chef?

Game wise? Or character wise?

Character (you can also say from the game but I think that character is easiest)

both of them deal damage :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Both of them start off as one star?

Both of them have hair?

Both have an heavy accent??

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That’s gotta be it. Well technically though, Swedish Chef doesn’t speak English so he doesn’t have a accent, he just speaks his made up language. But you’re still right.

All are correct, Minnie was first so he gets the point (I was thinking that both are from Europe but this also counts) I´ll give @Lucas1999 a point because they said from the character itself.


But is the Swedish cheff actually from Sweden?

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