DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

Nice list!


Updated for 2.5.01-A!

  • New heroes added
  • Several old heroes moved down; thanks for terrible stats from R17 rank…
  • Baloo moved temporary to bottom rank due to his bugged Active
  • Dash moved to S-tier! (eh)

Wait what happened with Baloo’s White Skill?


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Oof yeah I understand now.

Yes. Basil is C while Clawhauser is A…

I’d say Clawhauser is at most a B. Maybe even C. He is very weak, and doesn’t provide much.

While yeah - true, it’s Basil that shouldn’t be in C


I can’t believe I agree with this


Will move him to D tier then… :cookie:

Hehe… :sweat_drops:

More like A…
…or B at least…

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I’d say we should settle it at B.

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Nothing was fixed/resolved and major badges still missing.

Yeah nothing changed. But he was never that bad in the first place.

He’s better than all B tiers for me, if we exclude Hiro :grimacing:

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I’m seriously starting to think I’ve underapperciated Basil now that Clawhauser exists. :leopard: :doughnut: is clearly in a worse state than :mouse: :male_detective:

(I know I used a leopard emoji. I couldn’t find a cheetah one)

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Really? Why do you say that?

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Clawhauser has nothing to offer. His stats and his skillset are trash. He has nothing unique and nothing desirable that another hero can’t do a better job of.

but one definitely doesn’t change on other if they don’t conflict with other so much… Basil hasn’t changed so he is still C tier. just because someone ‘bad’ was added it doesn’t change Basil’s state at anyway.

Right, and Clawhauser isn’t bad either, he’s just kind of average which is what we all expected and wanted. Basically, he’s a perfect final component for a Zootopia team

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Ok, but come on. Clawhauser? A? They don’t compare.

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