DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

What happened to Belle? Why is dash S now? He is still super squishy, do you happen to have a good team for dash? Thanks.

Did they fix this already? In your screenshot it shows 12 seconds, and then when I use him he still dances for 12 seconds…

Edit: guess I didn’t quote in reply, but this is in reference to Baloo’s broken white skill.

If it would be fixed then I wouldn’t put him in D tier.

No, it isn’t fixed, tested it today.


Power creep and Dash’s red skill.

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I swear if Baloo’s dance duration is intentional…

this tier list have to be wrong how ballo in d rank

Look at the reason why :neutral_face:


… Because of the bug that is currently affecting Baloo’s White Skill… as indicated by the most recent comments in this very topic.

oh ok because i was going to say what happen did he get nerf or something

He’s literally the first hero listed as a B-Tier Control Hero :neutral_face:


wait, fear is in support? i thought he’s a control hero according to the announcement update… :thinking:

It was said that it was a mistake in the Patch…

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Who would you say is the third and forth best tank?

Oh sorry didn’t see him.

Any idea when this tier list will be updated? Not rushing you just cruise about it.

Both Muppets are S-Tier

It’s literally after update.

But… so far…

  • Kermit (Go) - S tier
  • Chef (Bu) - S tier
  • Claw moves up to S tier and with second disk (as well) as preferable

Give it some time. The creator may not be online atm, and we only just got the update a bit ago.

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People need to work on those heroes besides Swedish Chef will come on the weekend for the contests. And, then we can rank them.


It’s the best way to test things, as this tier list include maxed red skills.

Updated for 2.6

  • Added Kermit and Swedish Chef
  • Moved Clawhauser to S tier; now both disk are prefered
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