DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Goofy esta bien bajado a B: a ese nivel, posee una defensa irrisoria (muy baja armadura), y no sobrevive el tiempo que necesita para activar su habilidad azul. Con Capitana Amelia se puede llegar a subsanar, pero aun asi generalmente le hacen un instant kill

Waiting for the update

The only Possible change I see is adding Drakken

Or Prolly Getting Down Kim to Z Tier :joy:

  • Drakken is S-Tier, between Disgust and Tia
  • Kim is E-Tier (but still D)

Well hope everyones happy new Kim refresh is worse than old kim. I told people anger oogie basil. This is what happens if you mess with ok heroes. As for tier list agree to an extent. But wasabi is still over the top strong unbalanced. Cheshire does not need a nerf kernit and others make that unnecessary. Dash although hits hard is still a glass cannon and is not needing a nerf. Mr big kronk stops him and pleakly to a point and there is always flynn who undoes freeze etc. There is another hero to but i can’t think. So does he need a nerf debatable.

She wasn’t and still isn’t ok.

Anger is “ok”.



Anger was okay and Oogie was annoying in friend campaigns. Kim was weak.


If Wasabi is broken then Dash is as well. Dash can basically deal true damage at R19, deal 375% more damage to shielded enemies, and super crit. How is that not broken?

Ugh. Dash has this thing called evasion, which lets him avoid disables, and you just listed a counter against Mr. Big, the same hero you were recommeding to use against Dash :expressionless:

Btw Kronk is too slow for Dash.


people say wasabi is so broken but to be honest i rather use hamm

…okay? No one is talking about Hamm


xd and my dash does die a little too quick

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That doesn’t avoid the fact that he can wipe out completely built teams in 3 seconds


Between 2 silencers! Was that intentional, Since Drakken can silence?

Yeah… Kim honestly… got worse.

Thats the idea for coli and arenaor are you really that silly?

an OP hero is a hero that can’t be countered easily pumba stops dash. Plenty stop dash. Therfore he is not OP now wasabi in the other hand deals true damage. Why is wasbi OP because there is no hero that counters true damage. So therefore he is op so weathee you like it or not your wrong

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Also kim now is totally useless was better before refresh and im sorry most agree with me that kims refresh was unnecessary. Her slow and team heal were great and now she has no stun no heal on allies and a reduced slow making her pathetically you are misinterpreting what i said kronk counters mr big as he stops the inital freeze and pleakly has a disk that helps vs freeze. As for dash with some of the whales in game having ridiculous mods and the offs in war being an issue. Sometimes the only way to kill a slinky line is with dash especially if the study teams off. Now i faced a max modded team no study used dash and the battle lasted ages and I dont even have a weak dash and it lasted a long time talking till last 15 seconds or so. So I totally disagree he is v v counterable. You have arena coli that require quick kill by doing what you are suggesting would ruin coli and arena and make it a useless concept. Already screwed over kosher new kits utterly useless outside a study team. I could use her outside a study team before so she’s worse now than before. Mr big is a tad OP maybe i will half agree. But the only hero with no easy counter is wasabi as he’s pure true damage and its insanely high there is no control hero for true damage and there needs to be.

You’re sounding like a child. And yes, there are quick fight points, but points are too difficult to score against lineups with Dash

Heard of Fatigue?


Dash negates all armor. That’s basically true damage :roll_eyes:


Dash is broken in all ways except his health

My opinion, also I don’t really use Dash so I cannot be sure


You’re smiling. This is an issue, and you’re smiling.

What’s so good about this situation?

Sarcastic smile? I doubt it though

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