DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

How is Dash broken?

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Add other things and it is similar to Kim’s, times it by his crit and crit damage stats and negation and it’s bigger than Kim’s.

Did Dash get an update that he is at the top of the list now? I do not remember seeing one.

Sorta. He practically does true damage when maxed now

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What did Hiro get out of R19 that caused him to jump from B to A tier?

And likewise, what caused LSB and Magica to drop from S to A?

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He got tons of negation and fantastic crit

Irrelevant for a while now

Only got a measly amount of Evasion


What caused Bunsen & Beaker to leave S+ tier? I mean, not complaining cause S+ is wayy broken

Study immunity, evasion, fantastic crit, and Beakers

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… How did that cause him to leave S+?

Oh :man_facepalming:

Probably because Bunsen lost some bulk :man_shrugging:

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And more importantly, if Wasabi was hard nerfed for invasion, how come he’s now S+? Is he also really great for PvP?

I haven’t faced him yet so I wouldn’t know

He’s always been great for PvP


Not sure if I can agree with tron leaving S tier

i did not know dash was that good how?

Red skill and 100% armor negation

And big crit damage and evasion, and of course Violet disk.

Porque goofy y scrooge bajaron de A tier a B tier?? Que les hicieron a mis pobrecitos?

Yo mismo no uso Goofy, pero Scrooge, aunque con la capacidad de golpear bastante fuerte ya no es genial debido a que literalmente es un daño puro y no hay negación de ningún tipo, y creo que es el mismo problema con Goofy.

Scrooge only does damage, and his zero negation makes it very easy to stop.
Goofy COULD have stayed in A Imo but only for the Jessie disk

Just disk won’t determine hero’s position.

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