DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Mim’s HP was increased by almost 100%, while Kim’s only by 4%.


Also considering deadly dragons are not a top guild and glitches dod and Castle are think i will go with those in the know tbh

Yeah well i still don’t think she was most in need. I successfully used kim many times but cant make anger live ever. But if she was getting a refresh she shouldn’t be made worse its pathetic

So are you saying samba jj sharp? Etc cant build teams? Tell you what put old kim back in and when you or anyone liking your posts makes division 1 set your hardest teams i bet you he can still use kim and beat you!!! Thats how confident I am.

In fact for teams last season that weren’t quick kills kim jumba were in most lineups her slow was massively used. In nearly every team against a slow kill team to drag extra points out.

The slow was nerfed and we have new season…


Not the point they are saying old kim was unusable but sonic has won 7 arenas and used her and you cannot tell me samba sharp jj etc have poorly built teams 2 of them have won coli arena multiple times until sonic merged onto s1 they haven’t win since. Want a laugh though he still managed to use kim just about despite her slow being nerfed he used her with sven slow. So I think its pretty disrespectful to sonic when he’s blitzed s1 arena so many times to say teams are poorly built. Everyone knows ie sambas teams are not poorly built or sharps or jjs or stans. They are top players and he still used it. The problem is people never want to admit they are wrong. They just want to say she did no damage. Etc. Now if you had said her red skill was rubbish bow that I’d agree on

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… I won plenty of battles with Yax and Van. :woman_shrugging:

Duh, winning itself is easy. Kim herself is just weak.


kim doesn’t play on her own she plays in a team unless you are a planning in soloing lines for god sakes

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you dont get bonus points in arena coli using van and yax lol please smh

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Kim was only used for her Joy disk. That’s the only reason she was used.


Made her viable though unlike now!!! Now she’s worse than before!!!

I only used her for that reason but she was usable unlike now

I didnt care about her damage i liked her slow and heal etc damage was crap not disputing that but this alternative is shocking and worse than before. If pb said which kim do you want this or old id take old over this crap

Hahaha community being sad again challenge you on kim and how an s1 player used kim alot and won arena against top players on s1 and you ban it. So much for this is a place to debate.

Who did you beat using yax a bunch of nobody’s? Certainly not top players you didn’t. That’s for sure. Yax dies for fun so either weak players or poorly constructed teams.

my brain hurts so much from reading your comments thedarklord

The only reason Kim was used was for her slow. That’s only one reason, which is a small amount to say a hero is “viable” :expressionless:


what about the team heal? :man_shrugging:

Only few used her for her team heal. But it was still helpful.

disagree slows are a fantastic reason to use any hero facts. Now you got a worse slow and actually her heal was amazing so thats 2 reasons next?

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