DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Do you use Finnick?


Still only one reason. It doesn’t make up for how terrible her damage was.


That’s 2 reasons slow and team heal

So basically

Before Refresh: Good Team Heal and Low Damage

After Refresh: No Team Heal and High Damage

If so, then they reversed it!

But people would use other heroes for healing if possible.

Her slow was unique.


Whats finnick got to do with it lol kim was better than finnick

FInnick slows :expressionless:


I personally use a Study team and someone told me to use Kim for heals, but they didn’t realize how bad she was. I replaced her with someone else who heals A LOT more. I feel like that her heal should be increased a bit more and it really needs to back to team heal.

useless utterly useless give me slow and heal over this kit rofl

only since they refreshed her is she bad in study team. She’s so bad may as well use Robin hood

does he heal?

@thedarklord it sounds like you are just making excuses to argue with us…


Shes now more viable in study teams, just not as a healer/stunner, as her white skill can study all enemies

That’s who I replaced her with :upside_down_face:

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But for a shorter duration, smh

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No but if you cant see this refresh Is way worse than the old then there is something wrong tbh

Unlike Robin Hood, Kim can study with her WHITE. Robin Hood needs to be Green to study

Also, Robin also only studies one enemy and Kim studies all.

for 5s, which isn’t viable.

It was 12s before, the duration nerf wasn’t mentioned in patch notes.


don’t need kim other heroes study all

ENOUGH. This argument will get you guys nowhere. It is pointless to have so just stop. Everyone can have their own opinions and it does not matter. Just respect that and move on.

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