DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Talvez creyó que estabas como preguntando (aunque no lo dijeras) “¿Y cuales son sus equipos?”. Creo que es eso.
Se que no hablas español pero esto es divertido :laughing:

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Bueno, como dijo Rinoxeronte, pensé que estabas preguntando al resto cuales eran sus equipos, al tu estar mencionandolo. Disculpa si te molesté

No, esta bien

What tier is fairy godmother in

We don’t know yet. I’m pretty sure they need some time to test her.

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She’s been available in chat sparring for 80 minutes now, though.

Not enough time, though :neutral_face:

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When will the tier list be updated haha

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Updated for 2.8!

  • Added Drakken, Barley, Demona and Fairy

Is it true that Kim Possible is weaker than Mike? I don’t use Kim. But I can’t believe she is weaker than Mike or Yax.

And I have surprised that Vanellope is an A tier. Is it worth investing in Vanellope?


Partially. White Skill makes her untargetable. And her Dash disk gives her increased damage to slowed enemies.

Vanellope is good enough to be in A, yeah.
As for Kim she isn’t all that bad actually but better to just avoid the topic.


Van has friendship with Darkwing? :eyes:

Since when her friendship is with DW and not Dash???

Darn It. I thought CodeMore was talking about Kim :man_facepalming:

why?? Is there a controversy?

Well yes but actually no.

There’s a SERIOUS problem in terms of her skillset, but why repeat it for the 12345th time?

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Sorry I can’t understand this sentence. I am not good at understanding English

Kim is one of the worst characters in the entire game, and everybody knows that, so we don’t need that point drilled into our heads again.


But Not worse than mike tho.
Ngl some exaggerate alot about Kim.

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