DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Most of the new characters were strong. I didn’t know that Kim is weak because I don’t use Kim. Anyway, now I know what it means. Thanks

If not red skill, I could agree, but Mike’s red skill is good, definitely with Mr. Big around and spamming his active.

But not all :brick:

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Really? That is weird, because I play in one of the top guilds at my server and many, many people have Kim in their war team in Diva car for example. Also I see her in other top guilds war defences. I do not see Mike or Ralph, nor those heroes marked as B tier even.
She is definitely not bad. Some people here maybe do not know how to use her, or have some other agenda in mind.


The thing is that people likely feel that Kim Possible was better before when she had her ability to Team Heal, and after that was taken away she fell a fair amount in the ratings.
Her Damage isn’t really enough to compete with newer characters either, so why use her if other newer characters are better than her.

While I am not going to say she is as bad as to be D tier, but she probably isn’t S or A tier at least anymore.

Hope this help explain Kim Possible’s situation a bit for you and yeah, if you scroll down here you can see what people think of Kim Possible’s refresh and such in voting polls :-).


Refresh which nerfed her and terrible stats, and even worse Y1 badges.


Is it just me, or did Angel move up a tier to S? If so, why?

Barley worse than Baymax or Olaf is a stretch imo. I think he’s definitely at least A tier. If you pair him with Kermit, stuff can get pretty lethal.

Perhaps Distraction kills him quicker, and/or his encourage buff can easily be removed/blocked by Fatigue

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Ah, that is true. Alright, makes sense, I guess.

Also, remember when we all thought Kim was S-Tier? That was short lived lol.

Dang. Why are all the cool characters always weak. Oh well, at least Drakken is S tier.

That happens in DEB as well lol

Sad Kermit noises

Well yeah, he’s awesome, so I guess not all the cool characters are weak. Only some.

Coolness is subjective. I like lots of characters from all over the tier list.


Drakken is S-tier, and Kim is D-tier

Congrats Drakken, you have finally won against KP

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Me seeing that Cheshire cat is not underlined:

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He’s counterable now. He still deals tons of damage, but isn’t broken like he was a few months ago.


I know but it’s weird to see that Cheshire cat is now a… “normal hero” Also a meme for the occasion

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Why isn’t Ralph underlined

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