DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Heavily bugged.

Im seeing a lot of dash being used, but not as war defense. Can someone tell me why this is?

And what are some options to stop dash?


People are using Dash more for offense than defense.

And about counters:

  • Louie(An)
  • Ian
  • Drakken(Gi)
  • Timon
  • Don’t use shields
  • Personally I use Ian+Meg+Weak Tank


  • Louie is very random.
  • Ian doesn’t work… 20% to hit that ally with reflect, and Tron, Angel, Meg.
  • Drakken as above.
  • Timon, yes, but then Tron is here… and Dash can stay alive for 10s…
  • All shields are now useless thanks to him, and Shan.
  • So it can be used for Dash, keeping him alive and dealing more damage.


Fight 10 times, I am sure he would at least once step in the bananas.

If you don’t consider luck as a counter, Then why are you even playing a RnG game. Lol :grin:

Also every counter has cons, But if you are gonna point out cons of Evey single counter, It isn’t really good.

Ian can shot teams with WS, He just needs to survive & a comp of Meg, Ian and a weak tank let him survive.
More strategical move would be giving the weak tank a starting shield, So dash dies easily.


It isn’t :woman_facepalming:t2:

Different perspectives :-).


Shouldn’t Pumbaa’s Red skill say no to him?

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No due to the bug.

What about the Evil Queen (Ma) or Tron? He’s good at removing buffs, not to mention Chef (Bu).

His speed buff alone isn’t what makes Dash so threatening.


If Baloo was fixed and didn’t have the bug today, where would he be on the tier list nowadays?

Uh… A? Charm is annoying but there isn’t much else (altough he can give good hardy if he sleeps)

I guess I could see him in the A tier, but I wonder what Musketeer has to say about this. I could ask for other opinions as well.

He is outdated anyways… but firstly I need to see if actually Baloo is fixed.

He will be fixed in the upcoming patch notes. But the big question is, if he didn’t have his bug, where would he be placed?

Welcome to Waiting-For-Next-Update from 3.1.10!

  • Added Sheriff and Quackerjack
  • Presenting… very successful hero refresh!
    • Applauds for Shank! A new-old S-tier Tank hero!
  • Kim’s further travel
  • Not-existing-cat moves down
  • Several minor hero movements

What tier is Esmeralda? :thinking:

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How is Fairy Godmother A? Her stun is super anoyying and she has very high healing (in my opinion)

S tier, above Kronk…
Actually, Kronk should be in A tier.

Really easy to counter.

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