DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Quorra has pretty good evasion, disc damage, and discs.

Also, you are absolutely right. Shield teams are absolutely useless. 200% attack speed, high evasion, incredibly fast damage make Dash a tough force.

Also: Who’s worse? Dash or Wasabi?

Excuse me, on your tier list, it says that Mr. Big is broken. Why is he broken? Is he that bad to defeat and try and counter?

Dash is technically worse as he needs to be in a top condition in order to be really powerful and dangerous, which is only likely the P2W/P2W who can do, the F2Ps likely can’t get Dash to such a top condition.

As far as if the top contention Dash is better than Wasabi maybe, but likely not the lower F2P versions.

He can literally spam his active, perma-freezing enemies and dealing massive damage. And he has easy way to gain a lot of hardy fast.

Wasabi is also a troublemaker, shields counter him but then… Dash.

Dash only needs his red skill unlocked, and Violet disk.

Interesting points. Dash is very hard to deal with since he has high tenacity, evasion, armor, etc. His 200% attack speed is also ridiculous and shattering to deal with, since with basically one punch form his basic attack deals ridiculous damage.

Not that… but negation.

He can spam his active due to his Baloo disk, which allows him to gain lots of energy? Is that right? I do see Wasabi as a bit problematic, but he is pretty counterable. Dash is just an unkillable demon.

Yes, if he (and his allies) freezes and scares 5 times he can use his white skill again… and again, until everyone on enemy side will be dead.

He pretty much puts Elsa, Oogie, Randall, Sulley, and Frozone to shame.

While I am not sure if I have ever played against a top condition Dash, but I have fought Dash before and Huey, Dewey and Louie’s Bear Traps counter him as he runs over them so I have taken out Dash a fair amount of times even if they might not be the top condition version.

Dash’s main counter is King Louie with his Animal disk as then Dash just run into bananas and be affected by them.
While Musketeer may say too random, they are still something and do help, so yeah something to keep in mind :-). Crowd Control can help even if random, it still matters as it can help even if you have to try a few times before it works.

Pure Damage Reduction can maybe also be kind of a counter like Timon and Pumba as well as Swedish Chef together which would be a Crit immunity + 70% damage reduction if I remember right.
So yeah something to keep in mind as well.

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I use buff removal heroes like Tron, and the Chef. I also use the Evil Queen with her Madam Mim disk, which allows she and her team to deal more damage to fast enemies.

Good choices and I have Tron and Chef as well.
I don’t have Evil Queen, but interesting counter strategy yeah :-).

I would definitely choose to work on her Madam Mim disk if you were to work on her.

I think I rather work on Madam Mim herself maybe given Hex, or at least something to keep in mind.

I am a F2P VIP 0 player so I don’t have the option to level that many characters you see.

But yeah, for Dash depending on how updated they are after having gotten their Red skills I would say they range from A to S++, so yeah depends on how updated they are.
Without their Red skill Dash is probably D or C I assume, or at least not more than B.

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Hmmm, I see where you’re coming at. Mim’s disks are both pretty great, so it’s a pick your poison deal if you want to work on her. Her refresh made Mim way better than she needs to be.

Hehe know about her refresh yeah, which is mainly why I consider Madam Mim as an option :-).

For now though I am waiting on a new and updated character to come so that I can more so enjoy the new meta boost new characters have :-).

Kira, quite frankly if you survive first 9 seconds, Dash is much weaker. So it´s just the thing of surviving those first 9 seconds. Unless Kermit is in the team, who can copy that speed buff, but usually he´s too late to copy anything.

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Kermit uses his active very fast. And good luck surviving…

Very fast is not always fast enough. :wink:

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Baloo is at the war store, but I don’t know if I should invest in him, he was very good but now he is on the worst layer of this tier list, what is wrong with him anyway?

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