DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Prediction: Vinny’s programming will be such that he has an innate Energy generation value of 0, but has a hidden Energized buff set to 200 or however much he gets for a single-target basic attack.

Then Shego (Ki) will come along and dispel his hidden Energize buff.

This will be a major issue with Vinny that takes 2-3 weeks for PerBlue to fix.

Vinny appears in Energize filter… :woman_shrugging:

So Shego should be a supposed-to-be counter against Vinny.

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Idk about you guys but Fred Might be in s teir

Uhh Ralph should have been in D teir but nvm I repect your opinion

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Forum formatting.

… Did you mean tier list? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Updated for 3.2.11

  • Added Fred and Vinny
  • Updated Go Go

How good is GoGo now?

We can’t test her for now

She LOOKS great though

I’d still say wait until she can be tested to place her tbh, but I wouldn’t be surprised if high S ends up being accurate


First she was D-tier

Now she is S-tier?

@Musketeer make up your mind man

She did get a huge buff, so… :thinking:

She had horrible, and I mean HORRIBLE stat numbers when she was released, but thankfully they were fixed.


Whew…I thought the speed queen was gonna become the next kim possible

I’m so happy this list is updated. Go Go is back where she deserves to be. Wondering why certain heroes like (Max, Slink, Kristoff, Russell, etc.) are down a couple of tiers. Good work on the list!

I think it’s mainly due to powercreep.

I wish one day HDL could be at least B tier :disappointed:

They’re… mid A tier imo :upside_down_face:

Something like between Davy and Powerline in Musk’s list


For Example: White Skill

Number of Strikes: from 7 to 6, nerf
Damage: from 140 to 776, buff

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And her disk got nerfed too

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