DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Updated for 3.2.10 - after update

  • Added Go Go :confused:
  • Marked Darkwing Duck

Why is DW broken?

High damage, high bonus stats, shield countering, crit countering, speed, reflect, and lastly stun.


I feel that Go-Go’s rating may change when you get to test her.

Oh… No…

No, what she currently has in wakkatu are also her in-game stats.
1M damage in active just doesn’t do anything.

Not sure if PB just got lazy or simply forgot update her stats, but as for now she is another Kim.


Go Go’s stats must be still experimental cause I can barely see her even in C tier rn… I think you should wait to put her in tier list, nobody can use her anyway


But…he’s had all those things since his refresh?

Except the Shield countering, crit countering and speed the Refresh and the Red skill give to Darkwing all those things

(When darkwing received his refresh he still did not have recieve his red skill)

Oh no, DW has become “dangerous”!1


When there’s trouble, it’s DW!


It’s unfortunate that a hero with high potential has become another KP. But on the bright side, there’s also :firecracker: to look out for.

Ayyy, so it looks like we’re back in the 2019 meta again

Ick, I gotta take your side here, we are getting back into the 2019 meta, sorry!

I wonder where the new heroes are going to rank, with Vinny and Fred.

I’m no expert, but:
Vinny seems eh, pure damage heroes (sure he blinds, but that’s it) aren’t that good anyone, and he dosen’t do true damage, so
Fred seems really good, Mr.Big finally has a counter!

I might try and get Fred, probably not Vinny though.

I’d swap them, Vinny with those numbers looks broken and able to spam active. Fred seems ehh… and his purple doesn’t work


I mean…that’s a bug and not really a feature of his kit.

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Unfortunately, his passive exists :woozy_face:

That’s minor. He’ll gain 300 energy per basic attack

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