DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Have you ever considered putting the heroes in colors like the teams they belong?

Like all blue team heroes - blue color
All red team heroes - stay the same
All yellow heroes - golden or black yellow

P.s. thanks for the tier list I was looking for it in discord and I couldn’t find it.

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Update is coming, but oh well… Bolt got hit by a weird treatment by PB.

Bolt should be…
  • S tier (mid-low)
  • A tier (high)
  • A tier (mid-low)

0 voters

This may or… may not affect his placement, who knows? :crystal_ball:

tenor (9)

Bolt is S-tier worthy

Maybe even high S-tier

31M damage per basic attack how is that not broken


Hitchhiking Della lol :joy:

His power is ridiculous

Yep :+1:t2: , especially the purple skill

I wonder where :wrench: and :chipmunk: would rank on the list if we get an update on them.

It’s… less than others, but it’s true damage.
Once he gets out one or two skills he becomes a killing machine, spamming green and blue. And his white does massive damage too


Yo mr big really is very strong, he gains energy very fast, what is his counter?


Also, Kevin Flynn and Mad Hatter.


Well, Dash do technically have a counter now with Vinny as Vinny blocks all speed buffs the first 5 seconds, even if yes Red skill max level depended :-).

Dash has technically had Crowd Control as a counter since he came out, even if you don’t see Crowe Control as a counter for him as Crowd Control is luck based given that Dash has Evasion. (He get Evasion after Red).

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Dash Counters

  • Timon & Pumbaa
  • Shank
  • Fear
  • King Louie
  • Drakken+Meg Reflect combo
  • Vinny
  • Maximus + Study support
  • Darkwing Duck

Fixed that for you.


He wasn’t in game on 31st May…?

And KL is bad counter for Dash.
Fear doesn’t do that much.
Tron removes Timon.
Other known.

But yes, Shank is here :woman_cartwheeling:t2:

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In terms of 31 May I know of course, but you should probably update that picture I meant :-).
As well as informing others.

King Louie can be decent against Dash, but yeah King Louie is older now so that is something that affect him of course.


As someone who uses Dash I see him struggling against various damage dealers, especially Wasabi, who is fast enough to catch him. Mr.Big with Baloo disk can also spam his active until Dash’s evasion fails him.

Well, that makes Pumbaa a bad counter for a combo rather than Dash himself. Even though I agree that armor they give is sometimes not enough to stop a character with such high armor negation.

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It’s that or his own shield will kill him because of Dash.

Wouldn’t their red just put the buff back on?

Armor buff does nothing against armor negation.
Crit immunity isn’t (re)applied.

Welcome, or not… to Update 3.4!

  • Added Bolt, Ariel, and Gadget
  • Quite a lot of hero movements
  • :bug: Rafiki disk for Hatter is missing

Nice to see Hiro still going strong in A among all of the other, newer Control heroes. :joy:

Also, wow, Clawhauser in S? What bumped him up there? I feel like I don’t see a lot of discussion about him on the forums.

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