DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

He always was here.

The only change is that only his Powerline disk is (better) suggested.

A couple of questions:

1: I see that Shego is broken. Why is she broken now?

2: How come Kristoff is no longer in A tier? It’s a bit sad to see him go down.

3: How did Carl find himself in S-Tier?

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As a common user of shego, her white skill destorys anything and everything!!!
And because the white skill is not DOT, it triggers shatter 6 (or 8) times, and it already does pulverizing damage :dizzy_face:

Blue skill was always anoyying to me

Musk has bias with Up characters

I feel like Elsa should be up in A tier tbh… when i see her, she freezes at the start (red skill) and can freeze both the front and backline, its pretty annoying


I use Shego myself, and I can safely say that Shego is definitely a killer to almost ALL heroes in the game.

For Kristoff, I still find him useful with his freeze and heals. He is one of the top heroes that I use for codebase.

I do find it a little sad that Elsa is going down some tiers.

She goes very well with Mr. Broken.

WHEEZE. :rofl:


With vinny and bolt, i killed R9 beast and R11 maxiumus
she is crazy

Koslov is going to ice you now :frowning:


I better mind my manners, then! Hope Diva la Lola can charm the bear.

Lola Skill Icon #3


She is just that fiery to kill her enemies. :fire_engine:

A touch of destiny… a touch of being outdated!

Great part of silence teams.
Manticore disk is great.
Good damage, Dug deals 30M damage.


she was B tier for long time now…

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laughs in evasion

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Wait, why is Chief Bogo(Mr) in the A tier when there’s so many shield counters that shields are useless?

no, not really

I guess I left too much implied in my comment. What I was trying to get at was:

  1. Musketeer has said multiple times that shields have been rendered useless, if not counterproductive, by counters, primarily Dash(Vi).
  2. Musketeer is in charge of this tier list.
  3. Chief Bogo is placed in a high tier, with a preferred disk that’s all about shield spamming.

So I’m just wondering what Bogo(Mr) does that gets him ranked so high while relying on something that Musketeer has said is dead.


Shields may be countered by some toons, but some of them also can’t counter heals. As an example, Dash doesn’t remove shields, he has to damage them, and this damage provides Bogo healing. I’m pretty sure it works with energy as well, which allows shield spam and more healing.

At least in near future… the tier list will be updated with 3.4.10, Bogo will be where he belongs. Look out!

Oh, so it was just a mistake for him to be in the A tier? Darn, I thought maybe I had missed some weird secret use for him.


Well, his red skill with shields.
Himself with good protection.

But as you said, counters :confused:

@Musketeer sorry for tag but i really want to know why u put po disc above li shang?

with update 3.5.

Welcome to 3.4.10… :nut_and_bolt:

  • Zeus appeared
  • Gadget made her place
  • and literally… nothing else

why is mr big still broken?

his baloo disk got nerf and now fred exists





But likely he will remain like that, it’s not much of a deal to freeze again… and he has 25s to do so. Or with other allies… even faster.

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