DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

All I can say for now, I was expecting more votes for him (too). :eyes:

More or less, Zeus too.

all of this ^

I also thought Perry might finally knock DW off his perch, but where most battles are decided in the first few seconds he’s just got no protection against getting KO’d before he gets going. Great for attacking, not so much for defending. Darkwing is still on top :man_shrugging:

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More votes?

It’s kinda equally spread out.

I think Yzma should be above Horned King
Also @Musketeer would u recommend EVE?

If you can max her red skill soon yes, she’s pretty good with it.
Though you’re on early red ranks iirc. In that case not really

late red, R12

That’s kinda more of mid red.

And yes, she needs maxed red skill, to make her even better mods on her blue skill and maxed Calhoun disk, and ta-da… 30 second stun.

That immediately gets invalidated by Evasion or Tenacity, or prevented by Hardy, or immediately Cleansed.


That’s why blue mods… so no.

Starting hardy isn’t super common.


Little update to the poll, for the “Other?”, it’s enough to just post hero’s name, you still can explain your reasoning.

Out of three, only one hero was posted so far: Gothel.

Gothel is the best damage dealer, she is a tank and a damage dealer with Ursula’s disk, a controller and supporter with the extra skill power to all allies with disgust s… She has tons pf HP and her super is just CRAZY good… No more words😵

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Shego is way more better than zeus

…so are you gonna elaborate on that?

I mean… it is one or the another.

Hey @Musketeer, based on the patch notes, where would you put the mayor from TNBC?


Nobody knows his stats, numbers, disks…


This is just a theoretical/hypothetical. We can all see his skills, and based on them you could just put him on a scale from one to ten. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :upside_down_face:

But if we don’t know his actual stats, how are we supposed to reasonably judge where The Mayor ranks?

We could say any hero is good or bad based on their skills alone, but whether or not their stats can compete with other modern heroes makes all the difference.


This is all that I am asking for.

I think you missed the point of the argument I was making. Skills alone are not good enough to determine how good a character is in the current DH:BM meta. I could argue that Judy Hopps is a good hero because of her Inspire buffs, but that wouldn’t be accurate to say because she doesn’t have the stats or numbers to back that claim up. Stats are just as important to determining a hero’s strength as skills.

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